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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

More than you want to know right here! http://www.raysender.com

April 12, 2007

OKAY - so what's up with all these nutsy exercises?

Faithful reader, the thought may have occurred to you, 'Why the hell
doesn't Ramón just settle down with one practice instead of flit
from this to that seed syllable, from this exercise to that?
Well, the truth is that once you've 'crossed to the other shore,'
(even if there is no shore to cross to nor any vehicle necessary
nor any Ramón a-roaming) all that's left is "Lila," the 'dance in
the fields of the Goddess...' li-la-la-ah-ling around.
Here's a definition of Lila I found online:
"There is an old Sanskrit word, lila [lee´la], which means
'play.' Richer than our word, it means divine play, the
play of creation, destruction, and recreation, the folding
and unfolding of the cosmos. Lila, free and deep, is both
the delight and enjoyment of this moment... It also means
"Lila may be the simplest thing there is - spontaneous,
childlike, disarming. But as we grow and experience the
complexities of life, it may also be the most difficult
and hard-won achievement imaginable, and its coming to
fruition is a kind of homecoming to our true selves."
- by Stephen Nachmanovitch, Free Play

Michael Murphy is quoted from a 2005 Conference on Sri Aurobindo's
"A fully liberated and illumined soul can traverse
and enter into the various realms that correspond to
the outer koshas. As an expression of the Divine Lila,
an illumined soul can assume any form it likes and eat
any food it desires, all the while chanting, "Oh wonderful,
oh wonderful, oh wonderful!"

So, am I declaring this poop bag "fully liberated and illumined?" Har!
'Liberated' and 'illumined' are past participles. When we describe the
indescribable, 'present-tense verbs' - or better, 'present-relax -
snuggle closer to the _____ -- er, natural state?'
Here's another quote:
[When] we sit in the unknown, as the unknown, and in
the midst of the ashes of all our beliefs and ideas, a
kind of sprout may push up, breaking through the dreamy
fabric of our consciousness, a kind of awake-ness, and
this awake-ness has no name, though people like to name,
and so we have all the sutras and commentaries and what-
not, but at heart, it is really a very simple thing, the
most simple thing there is, our original innocence.
~ Bob O'Hearn
Awake within these various sheathes (subtle, mental, emotional and
physical) of the human instrument, Lila can explore and enjoy all the
delights of its peaks and valleys, its rivers of energies and waves
of bliss. The mantra of all mantras remains for me the one I've chanted
for at least 50 years: "May all beings, including this one, be peaceful
and happy forever!"
(Watching three children jump in a rain puddle Saturday and
laughing -- "Oh Wonderful!") Ah-la-lee-la-loo-yah!
Wonderfully yours in this originally innocent selfitudinous state,
swimming "free and deep" like this beastie from The Deep

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