Oracles & Divination 4
The I Ching
Of all the historic oracles, today we are the most familiar with the I Ching,
the sophisticated Taoist prognostication technique involving the interpretation
of 64 six-line figures known as the Hexagrams. I frequently have wondered how
it evolved. With a tip of the hat to Rudyard Kipling, the master of the Just
So Stories, here is a 'Maybe So Story' about how the I Ching was
born, and just to show how far back it might go, a correlation with some
primordial growls and grunts.
Once upon a long time ago, oh dearly beloveds, an invading tribe from the
North, from whence all invading tribes seem to come, surrounded a primitive
village. The chief took one good look over the stockade at the enemy's
bronze-tipped spears, the superior length of their long bows, and his bowels
liquified. Should he fight? Should he surrender? The howling warriors looked
extremely fierce and there were so many of them! Even now they were beating on
the lashed bamboo poles of the gate! He ran to the village shaman for guidance,
and caught the old man packing up his potions and amulets.
"What should we do?" the chief shouted. "Fight or surrender?
Either way we die!"
The shaman shrugged. "You've got me. Personally, I'm heading out the back
The chief grabbed him by the shoulders. "Either you tell me what to do, or
you die first!" he screamed, drawing an obsidian ax out of his
The shaman glanced around. Not knowing what else to do, out of sheer despair he
grabbed two well-chewed peccary ribs out of a nearby middenheap and tossed them
in the air. As they tumbled to the ground, he evolved a plan. If they fell
crossed over each other like battling clubs, it would mean the tribe should
fight. If they fell apart, it would mean they should surrender. This time,
maybe they fell apart, and the shaman advised surrender. Maybe the chief split
his head open for his trouble, surrendered and was killed in turn. Or maybe the
bones fell across each other, the villagers fought all day and were slaughtered
because the invaders had the better weapons. So you could say that either way
the shaman had chosen wrongly. But then. oracles never guarantee anything. They
just make up your mind for you.
Somehow the bone-throwing technique survived, and maybe 'surrender,' the
passive choice, came to be known as 'Ah,' or the feminine principle. Sorry
'bout that, sisters., but to fight obviously was 'The Man's Way,' the active or
'Rrrr' principle. These names make sense to me on a number of levels because
'Ahhh' is the primordial vowel, the sigh of contentment and release of tension.
'Rrrr!' of course is the primordial consonant, the growl and the roar of rage.
The symbols adopted for these became - -, the separated bones, and ‹, the touching bones.
As time went on, the technique evolved into a number of throws, and the symbols
into a two- and then a three-tiered stack:
- -
- -
- -
The "Ah" stack resembles the position of the throat when these sounds
are made: - - the open air passage between the muscles - 'Ahhhh.' Maybe so?
Then the connected lines would symbolize the constricted throat - 'Rrrr!' Maybe
the triadic nature of the symbols (known today as 'trigrams') also indicate the
three levels at which the sigh or growl could be resonated - the head, the
throat or the chest. Thus were born the 'three sons and daughters' of Mama 'Ah'
and Papa 'Rrr,' combinations of all the possibilities of broken and unbroken
lines. Here they are:
3 4
5 6
7 8
‹ -
- -
- -
- ‹
‹ - -
‹ -
- -
‹ - -
‹ -
- ‹
‹ -
‹ -
- -
- -
‹ ‹
Thousands of years must have passed before all three sons and daughters were
added as possible answers to the throw of the bones. Son Number One (#3 above)
held the lowest, unbroken line which maybe stood for the chest growl 'Rrrr' --
the low rumble an animal gives before turning tail and fleeing. In the I
Ching, this one is named 'Distant Thunder.' I call it, 'Let's Get Outta
Here!' Instead of fighting or surrendering, you can always run like hell.
Son Number Two (see #4 above) was the throat growl, the solid line in the
middle or throat position. We all understand the difference between a chest
growl and a throat growl. Ask your mailman, or watch a few dogs. At first the
aggressor rumbles in his chest. If the sound does not migrate to the throat,
things remain poised between fight or flight, waiting to see what the other's
tail will signal. But it's the throaty 'Grrr!' with the teeth bared that
precedes the attack roar of
The I Ching names the Son Number Two trigram appropriately 'Danger.' The
Third Son (see #5 above) was the 'Rrr' in the head, which can only be the
snore. Sure enough,the I Ching lists the third son's attribute as
'resting.' And so the village shaman now had the following possibilities to
choose from: Father "Roar" -- all-out attack, Mother "Ahhh"
-- surrender, First Son "Rumble" -- run like hell, Second Son
"Snarl"- danger (threaten them and maybe they'll back down), Third
Son "Zzzzz" -- sleep it off in the bushes and maybe they will go away.
If my assigned sounds are correct, the three daughters should then be the three
versions of the 'Ahhh.' The First Daughter, the 'ah' in the chest, is a grunt
with sexual significance - 'unh, unh.' The I Ching names her 'The Gently
Penetrating' (see trigram #6), which makes sense. Send out the beautiful
maidens with wreaths of flowers and maybe the attackers will agree to a party.
The 'ah' in the throat could stand for the 'aha!' of surprise or a sudden idea
-- or perhaps the yawn (see #7). The I Ching names her 'the
light-giver,' which fits the 'aha!' of inspiration. In the context of our
beleaguered shaman, perhaps it allowed him to say, 'Fake them out with
something smart.' The Third Daughter, called 'the joyous' in the I Ching,
is of course the 'ah' in the head (#8 trigram) or the 'ha-ha-ha' of laughter.
In terms of the enemy at the gates, it's maybe harder to see the significance
of these latter three. However they could signify 1) 'Meet them with dancing
maidens,' 2) 'Surprise them' and 3) 'Tell them funny jokes' - or perhaps, 'Send
out the clowns.' Maybe so!
Now that the eight trigrams have been described, what about the original
one-liners and two-liners? The ‹ and - -, the === and =
= must have signified the great-grandparents and grandparents respectively.
Searching for the most primal "R," I settled on the death rattle for
Great-Grandpa and the vomit-spit for Grandpa, both ancient sonic "R"
events. Great-Grandma then becomes the cough "K-Ah," and Grandma the
sneeze -- "Ah-choo!"
From the eight trigrams, the Chinese went on to evolve the sixty-four
hexagrams, a very sophisticated system which expanded the possibilities into
many subtle interpretations,whose appropriate sounds must await futher
investigation by a linguistics scholar. But it may be so, that one desperate
shaman's throw developed into a divination method of such subtlety that it is
still in use today.
San Francisco
Q: How's our connection today?
A: Side 1: debt] [Slang] same as PAWN hock
[prob. OFr. hoquet, bent
stick] 1: a team game played on ice skates
Side 2: 1: to keep back; stop 2: to thwart hinder
Q: Okay, let me try warming things up. (Chanting
Sanskrit prayer). How are we now? And I'm switching to the left hand to pull the
A: Side 1: leafstalk of a Philippine plant used for
making rope, paper Manila
Side 2: [Tamil, man-kay] 1: the yellow-red, somewhat acid fruit of a
tropical tree mango 2: the
Q: That seems somewhat better for some reason. At
least not a "no." Are you there?
A: Side 1: (muskat) {LL. muscus, musk] a sweet European grape
Side 2: mumbo jumbo 1: an idol or fetish 2: meaningless ritual talk,
Slip 2: Side 1: credulous gullibility
gully a
small, narrow ravine
Side 2: control 1: one whose work is conducting
tours, etc. 2: a controlling guide
Q: A gullible guide? And "mumbo-jumbo" for
the world's most ancient prayer is not very respectful. Let's pick a new topic.
Anything you want to talk about, or shall I suggest something?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: endways 1. on end; upright 2: with the end foremost 3:
lengthwise Also endwise
Side 2: base of gigere, to produce] 1: any machine that uses energy to
develop mechanical power 2: a railroad locomotive engine
Slip 2: Side 1: characterization
charade [Pr. charrar, to
Side 2: charm
Q: "Charming gossip?" Well, that was my
friend Jack on the phone just now. He's delighted I'm interviewing you, and
says your answers to him over the years have been amazing.
A: Side 1: terrible terrere, frighten] dreadful 2: extreme; intense [Colloq.] very unpleasant,
Side 2: b) to become unfrozen: said of frozen
foods 2: to become warmer so that snow, etc. melts 3: to lose one's coldness of
Q: Are you experiencing an unpleasant warming of your
A: Side 1: relegate [L. re-, away + legare,
send]: to exile or banish
Side 2: a new location relocation
Q: You're being kicked out of your community? I hope
it's not because of me, or our conversations! Where are you going?
A: Side 1: commemorate
Side 2: community college
Slip 2 Side 1: monks, etc. 2: a dress frock
frogs 1:
a tailless, leaping amphibian
Side 2: freeze quick-freeze (food, etc.) and then dry under high
Q: I'm going to a 'commemoration at a college' tomorrow
evening. Are you talking about that? I guess you're hopping off to somewhere
cooler? Or do you wish to say something about our trip to Santa Cruz tomorrow
A: Side 1: preacher one who preaches; esp. a clergyman
Side 2: 2: to do repeatedly proficient 3: to work
at, esp. as a profession to do something repeatedly
Slip 2 Side 1: [ALCOHOL + L. de, without + HYDROGEN} a colorless fluid oxidized
from alcohol aldehyde
Side 2: air conditioning regulation of air, humidity and temperature in buildings,
etc. air-condition
Slip 3 Side 1: dapper small and active 2: trim; neat
Side 2: a harmful gas sometimes found in mines 1:
to bank (a fire) 2: to check or reduce dampness
Q: "repeatedly preach" what? And I'll try
to dress neatly for the event.
A: Side 1: full canine tooth
Side 2: temple of Jupiter] where the U.S. Congress
meets at Washington capitol
Q: May I repeat that question? "repeatedly
preach" what?
A: Side 1: Davis, Jefferson president of the Confederacy
Side 2: debt [L. debere, owe} 1.
something owed to another 2. the condition of owing
Slip 2 Side 1: bloodhound any of a breed of large, keen-scented, tracking
bloodless 1: without bloodshed
Side 2: blissfulness
blister 1. a raised patch of skin filled with watery matter and caused as by
Q: This is very interesting! Tonight and tomorrow on
television the film "Separate But Equal" is playing, featuring John
W. Davis, my American grandfather, to whom I do indeed owe a debt of gratitude.
He paid for my education for many years, and was a loving, nurturing person in
my life. You wish me to "preach repeatedly about by debt of gratitude to
John W. Davis?" It certainly would be a blissful, bloodless act.
A: Side 1: predicate beforehand; predict
forethought 1: a thinking beforehand 2: foresight
Side 2: (Pronunciation guide from the bottom of
the page)
Slip 2 Side 1: permanent
Side 2: party]
or platform
Q: Davis was indeed a forethoughtful person, and probably
did come to a permanent standoff on his party's platform. He certainly did not
approve of Roosevelt policies. Why are you so interested in him? Are you in
contact with him somehow?
A: Side 1: boarding house a house where meals or room and meals can be had
Side 2: bluffer
bluff ascending
steeply with a flat front
Slip 2 Side 1: lobbyist one who tries to get legislators to support
certain measures
Side 2: living 1: alive; having life 2: in active operation
Q: You're saying that he's reincarnated again? That
doesn't surprise me. Any tips available on who or where he is?
A: Side 1: limestone, chalk, etc.
calcium carbonate
Side 2: cunning 2:
cautious cagily
Slip 1 Side 1: clothes to make or become ragged tattered
Side 2: often a hinged lid
Slip 3 Side 1: any of the primates except man and
the lemurs; spec., any of the smaller, long-tailed primates [Colloq.] trifle or
meddle monkey
Side 2: monotheistic
monotone 1: utterance of successive words without change of pitch or key
Q: Okay, so you're playing it safe. I'd rather change
the subject too before the family thinks I'm doing something disrespectful. So
what about "monotheistic monotones?"
A: Side 1: crocus blossoming plant of the iris family
Side 2: as crushed paper crinkly
Q: Is there anything else you'd like to talk about
before we quit for today?
A: Side 1: slowly and evenly
hopsacking a coarse fabric of cotton or wool
Side 2: [L. horrere, to bristle] 1: the strong feeling caused by
something frightful or shocking
Slip 2 Side 1: ball successively hits two balls
a hitting and rebounding
Side 2: 2: U. S. Armed Forces a light semiautomatic or automatic 30-caliber
Q: Is something frightening going on? (Turning on CBS
at 12:48 pm) Traffic update, two stalls. Sunday weather forecast a good one.
Tonight clear and cool. "Eight Is Enough" star in trouble with the
police (suspicion of burglary). Nope, nothing on the news. You want to talk
about the horrors of violence and war?
A: Side 1: 3: to move gradually on edge 1: very tense, irritable 2: impatient
Side 2: economy
Slip 2 Side 1:
temper] 5: to fail to have, get. etc. [to lose one's chance] 6: to fail to win 8: to wander
Side 2: regarded as a region of strength, etc.
loincloth a cloth worn about the loins
Q: You're saying that "the economy is on edge,
and you're afraid I'm going to lose my loincloth?" Hey, you're right! Any
suggestions you have as to how I could increase our income would be greatly
appreciated. I keep thinking of a mail order business of some sort. What
thinkest thou?
A: Side 1: 2: to surprise or arouse
with brilliant qualities, display a dazzling dazzler
DC, D.C., d.c. direct current
Side 2: decapitation
Slip 2 Side 1: misadventure a mishap; bad luck
Side 2: the Mississippi 2: Middle West State of
the U.S.
Slip 3 Side 1: to leap over b): to pass over
Side 2: Karachi Pakistan
Q: I should surprise and dazzle, lose my head over a
contest? Maybe you're talking about the rewrite of the novel for the contest?
And what's this about a "misadventure?" Should I be looking out for
something dangerous?
A: Side 1: 2: to add at the end 1: a thing affixed 2:
a prefix or suffix
afflatus [L. ad-, to +
flare, to blow]: inspiration (a divine imparting of knowledge)
Side 2: adumbrate {L. ad-, to + umbra,
shade]: 1: to outline vaguely 2: to foreshadow 3: to overshadow adumbration
Q: How can I "add inspiration" and avoid
whatever is dangerous and/or an economic dead end?
A: Side 1: -toed
Side 2: G. ich
Slip 2 Side 1: or lace knotted in designs
a combining form meaning long,
Side 2: Luther, Martin 1483-1546; Ger. Reformation leader
Side 3 Side 1: treacherous 1. characterized by treachery 2: untrustworthy treacherously
Side 2: tribunal 1: a seat for a judge in a court 2: a court of
Q: My wife Judy just entered the room and wants to
know how to handle difficult situations in the next fifteen days before her
trip to the Twin Cities.
A: Side 1: arising from circumstances to cause on
occasion sometimes
Side 2: ring; 'a' for a in ago; ë, Fr. coeur; G.
ich, doch; foreign [derived from
(pronunciation guide)
Q: May I ask the question again?
Slip 2 Side 1: [OE. strengthu] state or quality of being strong; force 2:
toughness; durability 3: the power to resist attack 4: potency strength
Side 2: stoutly
Q: She should act from a position of strength. Thank
you. Back to our conversation, Shady. Were you warning me about a
"treacherous court case" involving "Lutherans?"
A: Side 1: 2. highest in quality, achievement 3:
highest in degree 4: final; ultimate Supreme
Supreme Being
Side 2: supplement
Q: All honor to the Supreme Being, or perhaps you're
talking about the Supreme Court and the film "Separate But Equal?"
Anyway, I think this is enough for today. Ready to quit?
A: Side 1: woman's skirt
Side 2: [blank]
Slip 2 Side 1: primp
Side 2: continuing development involving many
Slip 3 Side 1: crescere, grow] amount, number, etc.
Side 2: incalculable
Q: You wish to continue developing this theme
involving many incalculable changes? Go on, then.
A: Side 1: pasture 1: grass, etc. used as food for grazing animals
2: ground suitable for to put to pasture
Side 2: receives the action passivity
passive resistance
Slip 2 Side 1: threefold; triple or performing the
highest part soprano treble
Side 2: 1: the general 2: a current style trend
Q: Put passivity to pasture and treble the current
trend? I guess you mean I should actively seek a teaching position, since the
'current trend' is that I'm teaching a class?
A: Side 1: eraser a thing that erases; specif. a rubber device for
erasing ink or pencil marks
Side 2: fond of sensuous
to do with an epicure EPICURE
Q: Not making any sense, Shady. Over and out?
A: Side 1: without restraint b): to relieve of
something that troubles, etc.
Side 2: harmony; agreement
that is a union of related parts
harmonious, unified arrangement
Q: Thanks. Over and out.
[End of Interview
San Francisco
Q: Rereading yesterday's conversation, it seemed that
you were concerned about violence and guns, something I missed at the time.
Last night's news was horrendous, with a number of murders and shootings. Also
a program on gun ownership and statistics on shootings in households. Very
depressing. How can this problem be resolved, Shady?
A: Side 1: insensitive not sensitive; not responsive insensitivity
Side 2: be accustomed] boldly disrespectful insolence
Q: Yes, that defines the attitude that creates the
problem. But what is the solution?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: when a button on the handle is
Side 2: swimming hole a deep place in a creek, etc. used for swimming
Slip 2 Side 1: repairable
Side 2: re-, again + plenus,
full] 1: to make full or complete again
Q: A family crisis switchboard is a good idea, and
does exist. "Swimming hole" I don't understand, except as a poetic
term for counseling center where people can be "repaired" and
"made complete again." Also there's The Well, a telecommunications
conferencing network. Perhaps "swimming hole" refers to something
similar? Am I on the right track, Shady?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: 2: [Slang] jail -- to confine as in
a coop
one whose work
Side 2: contrive 1: to think up, devise, design, etc. 2: to make
Slip 2 Side 1: repository [L. re-, back + ponere,
place] a box, room, etc. in which things may be put for safekeeping
Side 2: to feel such regret over (an action, intention,
etc.) as to change one's mind repentance
Slip 3 Side 1: slow burn up of anger: often in do a slow burn
slowdown a slowing down, as of production
Side 2: smooth 1: having an even surface, with no roughness
Q: Fascinating! "Contrive" a "cooperative
coop" which functions as a "repentance repository" where
individuals can slow down their "slow burns" and "smooth
out." You're talking my language! I continue to be interested in
cooperative sanctuaries and rural communities for rootless individuals who are
allergic to being told what to do. What would be the best way to contrive such
places? Our attempts in the 'sixties were short-circuited by the county
A: Slip 1 Side 1: heal make or become well or healthy. 2: to cure (a
disease) or mend, as a wound healer
Side 2: a cigar made
Slip 2 Side 1: palla, ball] 1. a large, airtight bag that rises when
filled with a gas lighter than air. 2: an airship with such a bag
Side 2: trite; hackneyed banality
1: a treelike, tropical plant
Slip 3 Side 1: attack with bombs [Slang] to have a
bombard 1: to attack with
Side 2: bongo - gos either of a pair of small drums of different
Q: "Heal by having "banal ball"
(games) and bombard them with "bongos" and drums? I like it! Drumming
is great for bringing a group of people together, and would be very therapeutic
if available in prisons, for example. I once had an idea for a truck full of
steel drum instruments which would travel from high school to high school. Be
great if youth gangs could be turned onto these -- start a competition of
drumming bands in the inner cities. And of course, sports are a great outlet
too. The steel band might be a good project for our nonprofit Peregrine
Well, Shady, I took your advice. I just talked to
the police department's Juvenile Division, and they referred me to the Chief of
Police His secretary will bounce the idea off the Chief and call me back. Am I
following your suggestion correctly?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: pleasant; friendly affability
Side 2: advocate [L. ad-, to + vocare, to
call] one who pleads another's cause or in support of something
Slip 2 Side 1: disconnected 2: random
detach 1: to unfasten and remove
Side 2: -throning to depose (a monarch)
Q: An "affable affair" to
"advocate" indeed! Any more advice on this or another subject? I'm
following leads to connect with existing steel drum bands in the area.
A: Slip 1 Side 1: 2: a stop; pause
leukemia a disease chaaracterized y ab abnormal increase in the number of
Side 2: lie detector same as POLYGRAPH
[OE. leaf, dear] gladly
Slip 2 Side 1: a world] 1. a bright-red pigment 2:
a bright red or scarlet
Side 2: one person in place of another
shared in by imagined participation in [a vicarious
Q: Stop gladly? I'm glad you're enjoying this
A: Side 1: dental filling of silver
mixture; blend
amalgamate unite; mix
Side 2: 1: one's other 2: a constant companion
Q: Yes, I'll let my wife Judy in on this. In fact, I
thought we could use the kids in her school as our first steel drum band. There
have been some violent incidents recently between the different racial groups
there. Anything else before we sign off?
A: to take a polish
2: Slip 1 Side 1: elegance; refinement, etc. 3: a
substance used to polish polish off
[Colloq.] to finish (a meal, job, etc.)
Side 2: a wooden ball and long-handled mallets
Polo, Marco Venetian traveler in E. Asia
Slip 2 Side 1: Athena the Greek goddess of wisdom, skills, and warfare
Side 2: -lating [L/ ad-, to + similare,
make similar to] 1: to absorb assimilate
Q: Yes, we'll need mallets with wooden balls on the
end to polish off the drum sets. And I'll "assimilate" Judy, who
indeed is a veritable "Athena," wise and skilled when it comes to
dealing with "warfare" among the high school youths. Anything else
before we quit?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: 1: to put in proper relation with
something else 2: to arrange the parts of (a whole) so as to be harmonious proportion
Side 2: view; scene
anticipation 4: a) something expected b) [usually
pl.] apparent chance for success
5: a likely customer, candidate prospect
Slip 2 Side 1: uppercut Boxing a short, swinging blow directed upward
Side 2: no special skill or training
unskillful having little or no skill; awkward; clumsy
Q: "Balance everything for the best chance for
success with those who are unskilled." I like it. I think steel drum music
does not require a great deal of training, and the instruments are
indestructible. The hardest part is learning how to make them. But maybe we can
get some donated by the manufacturers. How are we doing?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: swear; blaspheme
cursed a curse
Side 2: cul-de-sac [Fr. lit. bottom of a sack] a blind alley
Slip 2 Side 1: deny [L. de-, intens. + negare, to
deny] 1: to declare (a statement) untrue
Side 2: demeanor demener, to lead] outward behavior; conduct; deportment
Slip 3 Side 1: to hinder; delay
Side 2: [see RETRACT] 1: a withdrawal, as from
quiet place
Q: Usually when you become insulting, you want to
sign off, Shady. You can't be retracting everything you said earlier, can you?
Are we through?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: stitch, used esp. at a hem, made by
pulling out several parallel threads and tying the cross threads
Side 2: helplessness
helpmate a helpful companion; spec. a wife or husband
Slip 2 Side 1: double-dealing
double-entendre term with two meanings
Side 2: dosed, dosing to give doses to
dossier [Fr.] a collection of documents
Q: Okay, over and out?
A: Side 1: priceless of inestimable value
Side 2: Gram. espressing past action or state the past tense
preternatural (1: beyond what is regular in nature 2: outside normal experience)
Q: I'm a "priceless, preternatural
prick?!!" That's it. I'm signing off.
[End of Interview
A Sampling of Shady's Replies
on A Computer Network
From The Spirituality Conference on The Well
teleconferencing network
Topic 155: Our Interdimensional Oracle Offers
Aleatory Advice
# 4: Howard Rheingold (hlr)
Shady, what should I do to alleviate the current
financial crisis?
# 5: Janey Fritsche (janey)
Shady, what should I do to alleviate the current
financial crisis?
# 6: David Gans (tnf)
Shady, what should I do to alleviate the current
spiritual crisis?
# 7: Stephanie Leonard (tiffy) Thu, Jun 21, '90
(16:53) 2 lines
Shady, what should I do to alleviate the current
financial and spiritual crises?
# 8: Brad Allen (omath)
Shady, what are the current financial and
spiritual crises?
# 9: Dan Brisling (dbrisling)
<Why don't we do the world's first class-action
oracular session, Ramón?>
# 10: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Okay, Shady, put on your thinking cap.
Q: What
should Howard do to alleviate the $-crisis?
A: Side
1: hula a Hawaiian dance also hula-hula
hulk 1: the body of a ship, esp. if old and dismantled
Side 2: 5:
electrically charged (a hot wire)
6: [Colloq.] recent; fresh (hot
news) 7:
stolen or smuggled. b) [slang] excellent
make it hot
Slip 2 Side
1: sparkle 1: to throw off
Side 2: to
name in order the letters of a word 2: to make up
(word defined
is spell)
Q: And
what should Janey dooo?
A: Side
1: meek 1: patient and mild
Side 2:
middle number in a series
number, point, line. etc.
Slip 2 Side
1: save except; but
Side 2: the
Roman god of agriculture 2: the second largest planet of the
solar system.
Slip 3 Side
1: reconverts the signals so that the images are reproduced on
a screen
2: television
Side 2: teakettle a kettle with a spout for boiling water for tea.
Slip 4 Side
1: opportunity to be heard
an appearance before a judge,
investigative committee hearing
Side 2: to
try to judge the weight of by lifting
(word defined
is heft)
Q: And
what should David do???
A: Side
1: paneling
collectively 2: sheets of plastic, wood, etc. used for panels
Side 2: Palatine one of the seven hills of Rome
1: the
official residence of a king, etc. 2: any large, magnificent
Q: And
what about Stephanie (financial AND spiritual)?
A: Side
1: blow
blowing to move with some force
Side 2: blench
same as 'blanch'
Slip 2 Side
1: abide 1: to remain 2:
[Archaic] to reside
to put up
with abide by 1: to live up to
(a promise, etc.) 2: to submit to
and carry out
Side 2:
(blank side)
Q: And
to Brad's 'what are the current financial and spiritual crises?'
A: Side
1: 4: life, spirit 5: a fragrant odor 6: a slight breeze 7: a whisper, a
defined, I think, is breath)
Side 2: bring
up 2: to introduce
to vomit up
Slip 2 Side
1: gold a yellow, mettalic,
highly malleable element
Side 2: gonorrhea
Ramón: Dan, please clarify your remark!
#11: i don't have no crises of the financial/spiritual
kind, but all the same i need to know ....... (daniel)
Shady, what do you think about the words
'hospital' and 'Wednesday?'
# 12: soft rubber keys (tnf)
# 13: Tina Loney (onezie)
Is your whimper for self or Boone?
# 14: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Shady replies to daniel:
A: Side
1: ENDEMIC [Gr. en, 'in' + demos, 'people'] prevalent in people
Side 2:
or showing
energy; vigorous
Ramón: Go for the hospital, daniel! And be happy.
'Enema' was just down the page.
# 15: David Gans (tnf)
Shady, thank you for stonewalling me! I thought it
through on my own and came up with a solution. What do you think of that?
# 16: Dan Brisling (dbrisling)
Shady, when you're through explaining things to Gans, please tell me what my
next step should be in regard to the contentious album-release situation.
# 17: Don Momaday (dmoma)
When's the best next time for the planting
# 18: Howard Rheingold (hlr)
In response #4, I asked Shady what to do to
alleviate the financial crisis. In response #10, I felt that Shady was telling
me to make it hot for my creditors. Let me cut to the chase. I've been up shit
creek because a well-known magazine publisher and a well-known book publisher
have been holding out and stonewalling all queries. Today I woke up PISSED OFF!
and told my agent I was going to get a restraining order and hold up the August
publication of the book and I was so angry I would rather spend the rest of
what they owe me on lawyers just so I could fuck them worse than they fucked
me. He gave me the number of their general counsel. I called and told her
secretary that I had a problem that was about to become their problem. Ten
minutes later, my agent called me back. The check is, uh, in the mail. AND,
another, LARGER check that I didn't expect for months, JUST ARRIVED at their
# 19: Dan Brisling (dbrisling)
Your situation parallels one I'm in up to my ears.
Thanks for the encouragement.
# 23: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
I'm consulting with Shady by remote control from St.Paul, so please bear with
me if things seem in any way odd, or if I'm a little slower on the uptake.
Q: To
David's "What do you think of my coming up with a solution":
A: Side
1: futurity from a point of view in the past
that she 'should' have to do most of her farm work before
Side 2: shop 1. to examine goods or services with intent to
Q: To
Dan's "Next stop in regard to contentious album-release" etc:
A: Side
1: multivalence the quality or
state of having many values,
meanings or
Side 2: multiplet
1: a spectrum lines having
several components. 2: a
group of elementary
particles that are different in charge but similar in
Q: "Come
again, Old Shade?"
A: Side
1: 1: to become retired 2: to become antiquated
Side 2:
presenting only an appearance without substance or significance.
Q: And
to dmoma's 'best next time for planting project?"
A: Side
1: from a higher to a lower condition. 2: from an earlier time
b) from an
ancestor or predecessor
Side 2: the
portion drunk or inhaled in one such act
b) a portion
poured out or mixed for drinking
# 24: Dan Brisling (dbrisling)
Shady, how do you do it <gasp!>?
# 25: David Gans (tnf)
Shady, that's amazing. Here's one for you:
"All good things in all good time." Thank you!
# 26: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Shady is on such a roll with this Collegiate
Dictionary, I thought I'd go back and pick up on a few earlier queries that I
let roll by:
Q: For
Brad I will ask Shady,"How do you feel about the current method of
communication, which I interpret to mean
this vacation use of the Collegiate
A: Side
1: relating to the mind or spirit ( - 'peace')
3: marked by
close acquaintance: familiar 4: directed toward the interior
(word defined
is inward)
Side 2:
extending outward 300 miles or more, containing free electrically
charged particles by means of which radio
waves are transmitted
(word defined
is ionosphere)
Q: And
another from Brad: "What kind of a place do you live, Shady?"
A: Side 1: the characteristic
vertebrate organ of hearing and equilibrium
consisting in the typical mammal of a
sound-collecting outer ear
separated by
(word defined
is ear)
Side 2: early
on at or during an early point or
stage (the reasons were obvious early
on in the experiment.)
Q: And
lastly, Shady, how do you know things?"
A: Side
1: 7: Forecast; conjecture 8a: an overspread of color or modification
of appearance of a substance by a trace of
some added hue: Shade (gray
with a
greenish cast)
(word defined
is cast - this is getting
truly spooky!)
Side 2: carvel-built
built with the planks meeting
flush at the seams
# 27: Howard Rheingold (hlr)
# 28: Shady Grove, My True Love (paulbel)
Q: Shady,
should I continue to push to work in Seville, on the 500th
anniversary World
Exposition of Columbus' voyage of discovery?
A: Side
1: and to all queen larvae
(word defined
is royal jelly)
royal palm
any of several palms, esp. a
tall, graceful, pinnate-leavedpalm of
southern Florida and Cuba that is widely planted for ornament.
Side 2: ordinary
2: of, relating to, or being in
accordance with established procedure.
# 30: Tina Loney (onezie)
Shady, I've got two questions: How do I get my
head straight? and
What tack should I take with the most imminent of
these upcoming crises?
# 31: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Shady replies to Tina's first:
A: Side
1: commiserate 1: to feel or
express sorrow or compassion for.
Side 2: based
on racial or cultural groups communally
A: And
to Tina's second:
Side 1: CRANK
as in 'crancstaef,' a weaving instrument akin to 'cradol',
cradle 1: a bent part of an axle or an arm
keyed at right angles to the end
of a shaft 2:
archaic bend
Side 2:
inventing or producing as a) the act of investing with a new rank
or office b) the first representation of a
dramatic role 3: something that
is created creation
# 32: Tina Loney (onezie)
<hairs rising on arms> Thank you, Shady.
# 33: Paul Theodoropoulos (cassiel)
Well, this is just altogether too intriguing.... I
simply must query:
Shady, what's the deal with my girlfriend??
Thanks, in advance....
# 35: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Responding to Paul (#33), Shady sez:
A: Side
1: lower the boom on (someone)
force (someone) to stop doing something
that is annoying.
boring dull, tedious, annoying
(Ramón: Sorry about the above. I hate it when
Shady puts out a negative response.)
Q: Anything
POSITIVE to say to Paul, Shady?
Side 1: psychologize make psychological investigations or speculations
Side 2: 2:
the human soul or spirit or mind.
(Ramón: well, that's a little better, at least)
# 36: Paul Theodoropoulos (cassiel) Sun, Jul 8,
'90 (00:40) 11 lines
good god, holy shit, jeezis h.
#1 was done to me yesterday evening about 8:30 pm,
and #2 just about sums up my entire life, and the way I've been trying to
understand this relationship! Remarkable. If i may press my luck a little --
Shady, what about Cassie?
# 37: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
To Paul, Shady replies:
A: Side
1: heart
Side 2: head
# 38: Lara Owen (lara)
Ooooh! This is interesting. O.K. My turn please.
Dear Shady, what advice can you give me about my relationship with Winston
# 39: Howard Rheingold (hlr)
Shady, how's my timing?
# 40: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
to lara, Shady replies (somewhat cryptically:)
A: Side
1: Valley 11: suffixed form wel-ana
in a) Greek 'helene, wicker
basket: 'inulin'
(word defined
is prefix 'WEL')
Side 2:
'Vinaceous, Vine, Vini; Vinegar, Wine'
And to Howard regarding his timing:
A: Side
1: manner; propensity see 'habit' HABITUDE
Side 2: hah Varient of 'ha.'
# 41: Rocketman (norm)
Two questions, Shady: (1) When should I actually
give Howard his honorarium check? 2) With regard to the current mess, WTFIGO
(What the fuck is going on)?
# 42: Lara Owen (lara)
Cryptic isn't the word! Downright mystifying. But
I have faith in Shady, so I'll see if the unravelling of time explains her
foggy message. Can you ask the same question twice if the answer is unclear --
like the I Ching? If so, please go ahead.
# 43: Dan Brisling (dbrisling)
Shady, what does "aleatory" mean?
# 44: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
"Aleatory" came into use via John Cage's
chance techniques for composing music (rolling dice, etc.) It means
"chance" or "random." Shady will ponder the question also,
offline, and get back.
# 45: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Q: To
Rocketman's "When should I give Howard his check?"
A: Side
1: Appendix squasher
Side 2: sprung past participle of spring
Q: And
to Rocketman's 're current mess WTFIGO?'
A: Side
1: of seasoning 4: strictly distinguished from others; very: 'at that precise
moment.' 5: Distinct and correct
in sound or statement precise
Side 2: prefabrication
Q: And
asking for Lara again about Winston, Shady?
A: Side
1: handwork Manual labor as distinguished
from machine labor.
Side 2: below
the wrist, consisting of the palm, four fingers and an
opposable thumb hand
Q: And
Dan wants to know what 'aleatory' means:
A: Side
1: meantime the time between
one occurance and another interval
Side 2:
Volume or Capacity (a table of Measurement Units)
# 46: Rocketman (norm)
It will indeed be most amusing if the honorarium check to Howard bounces.
# 47: Dan Brisling (dbrisling)
We are not amused.
# 48: Lara Owen (lara)
Thanks Shady & Ramón. Still pretty cryptic.
Maybe not the right question.
# 49: Bob Bickford (rab)
Shady, two questions:
1) Any suggestions on how I can find that perfect
2) What may I expect in the next few days?
# 50: Elly van der Pas (elly)
Shady: What should I do about the termites? I
don't like to throw poison around, and I don't like to kill things. I don't
want my house to crumble, either, though. Any suggestions?
# 51: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Q: Shady
replies to Bob's question #1 re job/contract:
A: Side 1: Union commander in Civil War
grant-in-aid a grant of funds, as
by a foundation
Side 2: Great
Britain England, Scotland, Wales
Q: And
to Bob's second: "what to expect"
Slip 2 Side 1:
the east also eastwards
Side 2: echelon [L. 'ladder'] a steplike formation of ships,
troops or aircraft
Q: And
what should Elly do about the termites?
A: Side
1: others to support. 3: to increase
to push upward or forward booster
Side 2: by
the book according to the rules
The (Good) Book the Bible
# 52: David Gans (tnf)
Shady, am I getting anywhere?
# 53: Janey Fritsche (janey)
Shady, what's a good name?
# 54: Mitsuharu Hadeishi (mitsu)
Shady, any advice about going to a large
entertainment company to find what we're looking for?
# 55: Paul Belserene (paulbel)
Shady, is the idea for BC in Spain the right one?
# 56: Elly van der Pas (elly)
Pushing upward I understand, but what did you want
to tell me about the GOOD BOOK? 0:-)
# 57: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Answering David's "Am I getting
A: Side
1: quadratical quadratic quadratically
of, pertaining to, or resembling a square.)
Side 2: The upper
parts were reddish brown striped with darker on the
head, shoulders and forepart of the body
Q: Could
you elaborate more on David's situation, Shady?
A: Side
1: The cut (illustration) represents the initials 'N.W.'
(from a
definition of the word cipher)
Side 2: see
also portal. In the
invertebrates, the higher forms have a more or less complete
efficient circulation
Q: To
Janey's "What's a good name?":
Side 1: hummock to form into
hummocks, especially on an ice field
Side 2: hundred-footed
Q: May
I ask again, Shady?
A: Side
1: royal purple a) originally
a crimson. Now usually a color blueish
blue-red in hue
Side 2: a rowel
of twigs or branches of a tree
(Fr. roele, rouele, a little wheel)
Replying to Mitsu re: going to a large
entertainment company:
A: Side
1: see 'Incandescent Lamp' Such light used for illumination
Side 2: eld 1: to grow or make old
And to Paul re 'idea for BC in Spain:'
A: Side 1: routinism adherence to routine
Side 2:
about; approximately
(phrase defined is round about)
Q: And
what did you want to tell Elly about 'the Good Book?'
A: Side
1: to get clear through or past, as to clear a hedge; to clear a reef.
Side 2: consonant
cleaving which consists of the
conversionof a simple
into a
compound sound. Cleaving may be seen in the frequent
development of mod. Eng. "i"
(pronounced 'ai') out of an earlier 'i'
(pronounced 'ee').
# 58: Janey Fritsche (janey)
Thanks, Shady. I need to think about that a while.
# 59: Jeanne DeVoto (jdevoto)
Shady, why hasn't our new Mind Conference host
posted yet?
# 60: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Shady replies to Jeanne:
A: Side
1: Transitive: 1: to cause to telescope; to cause to jam one into
another telescope
Side 2: strong cable impervious to water to be
laid underground
# 61: Hank (hank)
Shady, I want to build a 7' piece for Cedana: any thoughts on design? And I
haven't heard from the astronomers yet; what do you think of their proposal?
# 62: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Shady answer's hank re 'thoughts on design':
A: Side
1: oily 1: of or like oil 'an oily liquid'
Side 2: off-color 1: not of the usual or required color
And to hank's query re the astronomers' proposal:
A: Side
1: 2. to teach or advocate and urge others to accept or follow: 'the
leaders preach economy'
Side 2: a
linking verb and modifies the subject of the sentence
(word defined is predicate adjective)
# 63: Eugene L. Schoenfeld (zerotol)
Shady, what happens to lost socks? Where do they
go? What to do with the many socks that remain, one of two needed?
# 64: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
To Eugene's first question:
A: Side
1: words that is meaningful but lacks the subject and predicate of a
complete sentence
Side 2: from
or depend on the presence of light
(word defined is photoelectric)
Q: Where
do the socks go, Shady?
A: Side
1: ward off shots made by the opposing team
(word defined is goalkeeper)
Side 2: goner [slang] someone or something that is ruined or
Q: And
what do with the leftover sock?
A: Side
1: a confession of 'A priest confessed them.'
Side 2: congestion a conditition of overcrowding
# 66: Dan Brisling (dbrisling)
Perhaps the sock question is opaque even to Shady.
Is it not, after all, one of the Great Mysteries of the Universe?
# 67: Rik (rik)
Yeah, along with how Don King gets his hair to do
that. And why.
# 68: Eugene L. Schoenfeld (zerotol)
Thank you, Shady, oh wise one.
# 69: Merrill Peterson (merrill)
Seems to me that Shady knew the precise answer to
Gene's question: The lost sock is a goner, and the proper response is to clean out
the overcrowded sock drawer of all those unmatched socks.
# 70: Joe Flower (bbear)
Lost socks go where your lap goes when you stand
up, along with all those forgotten punchlines. It has a name: Tamboulia. See
Goedel Escher Bach: The Eternal Golden Braid, for confirmation.
# 71: Dan Brisling (dbrisling)
I prefer a more prosaic, even physical, notion of
a sock heaven. Before the millennium arrives, I believe they will all return
physically, starting in some little-known laundromat in the midwest. One day,
an innocent local housewife will return to the laundromat and find the washing
machine filled to the brim with unmated socks. Next time, it will be literally
overflowing, and from then on there will be no holding it back. They will be
# 72: Eugene L. Schoenfeld (zerotol)
Meanwhile, shall I put the unmatched socks in the
# 73: Dan Brisling (dbrisling)
If you can subdue them.
# 74: Eugene L. Schoenfeld (zerotol)
Will they retain memories..... of their mates?
# 75: Dan Brisling (dbrisling)
They know them by smell <pfui>.
# 76: Paul Belserene (paulbel)
Shady, I'll read this when I return from
Singapore. What should I learn from this trip?
# 77: Shady (dbrisling)
Don't use any public laundromats if you value your
# 78: Bob Bickford (rab)
I bet Shady says something about travel, foreign
languages, or culture.
# 79: Janey Fritsche (janey)
I don't think culture will get tangled up with
Singapore. It's been bulldozed out.
# 80: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Q: Shady, what should Paul
learn from his trip to Singapore?
A: Side 1: nonchalar to disregard, giving an effect of easy unconcern
Side 2:
relating to or being a noun or a word or expression
(word defined is nominal)
# 83: Tina Loney (onezie)
Wow, I sure am upset! Shady, is this incident the
end of a long friendship? Should I attempt further clarification, or just
continue communication in other directions, or just chuck the whole thing as a
miserable experience?
# 84: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Q: Shady,
is Tina's incident the end of a long friendship?
A: Side
1: burden; load
(word defined is encumbrance)
Side 2: engulf to swallow up
Q: Should
Tina attempt further clarification or just continue communication
in other directions?
A: Side
1: one who is lame or otherwise disabled
(Word defined is crippled)
Side 2: croissant a crescent-shaped
Q: Should
she just chuck the whole thing as a miserable experience?
A: Side
1: commentary a series of
explanatory notes
Side 2: 1.
companionship; society 2. a group of people gathered or
for some purpose.
(word defined is community)
Sorry Shady took so long to respond. We've been
travelling a lot, but we're home at last!
# 85: Tina Loney (onezie)
Thanks, Shady. I don't mind waiting for that
answer. I'm working on the community commentary right now!
# 86: Hank Roberts (hank)
Shady, how've you been the last four months?
# 87: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Q: Shady,
are we in contact?
A: Side
1: drier, driest 1: not under
water Dry land.
Side 2: means
of a drill drill
for making
(I interpret Shady's response as a response, so
there is some sort of contact.)
Q: So,
Hank wants to know how you've been for the last 4 months.
A: Slip 1 Side 1: together +
'ire,' go] sexual intercourse also coition
coke coal from which most of the gases have been
Side 2:
cooperate with the enemy collaborator
(Oh, I think I understand) ;-}
# 88: Jeanne DeVoto (jdevoto)
Shady's first response is clearly referencing the
WELL, complaining about the recent dry spell... :-)
# 89: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
So let's keep going.
Q: Shady,
dear Shady, any advice for us folks here on the WELL?
A: Slip
1 Side 1: status symbol
as a sign of
(high) social status
Side 2: 2: to
take (a look, etc.) slyly [he stole her heart]
Slip 2 Side
1: soliloquize
Side 2: sophistication
Ramón: Hey, are all us status symbol types only
talking to OURSELVES?
# 90: Hank Roberts (hank)
What state are we in now, Shady?
# 91: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
A: Side 1: potter's wheel a rotating disk upon which clay is molded
Side 2: possessed 1: crazed 2: controlled
as if by a demon
Slip 2 Side
1: interpret negotiator
Side 2: interview
of people
meeting in
# 92: Don Momaday (dmoma)
Well, by Friday we found that we shouldn't have tried to install that crazy
potter's wheel (I take Shady's comments as valid just the moment I get to read
Shady - Any suggestions how to keep the Well up on
line and still give dhawk a humane sleep/wake cycle? Or was this already
covered by the end of the last response?
Hey Shady -- no fair answering before we ask!
# 93: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Shady responds (somewhat belatedly, since his
channel has been up to his bushy eyebrows in deadlining a manuscript)
A: Side
1: calibrating to fix or
correct the graduations of (a measuring
Side 2: cacaphony
Q: Yes,
Shady, right, but what about dhawk's snooze time?
A: Side
Side 2:
(oh well...)
# 94: Don Momaday (dmoma)
What shall we do to help fertilize the future?
# 95: Ramón Sender Barayon (rabar)
Shady replies:
A: Side
1: fable 1: a fictitious story
meant to teach a moral lesson. 2: a myth or
Side 2: fair-trade designating or of an agreement whereby a seller
of a
("fair-trade fables" -- I like it!)
Q: So
Shady, while we're conversing, what will be the most important results
of the Gulf War?
A: Slip
1: To hit a ball so that it spins. [Colloq.] to pretend not to recognize a
(the word defined is cut)
Side2: Dad [child's cry 'dada'] father
Slip 2 Side
1: magnification of a lens vt. to supply with a source of
power. adj. 1: operated by electricity, a
fuel engine, etc.
Side 2: [pre
& cognition} the supposed extrasensory perception of a future
Ramón: "cut Dad" - could this refer to the weakening of the
I can't figure out the word defined by 2:1 but it
probably starts with pre-
"Precognition" is a fascinating
response, considering that we expect Shady to do exactly that.
# 96: Lara Owen (lara)
The reference to "source of power" could refer to the oil and the
whole issue of energy consumption & resources.
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