Interview Thirteen
San Francisco
Q: So are you there, Shady?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: macron
long] a mark (*) placed
to indicate its pronunciation
mad madder, maddest make mad
Side 2: duchy in W. Europe, north of France
Slip 2 Side 1: -guished from theoretical study
purely scientific; impersonal clinically
Q: Why are you mad?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: divides into branches 4: any of these branches to divide into branches to pick up or pitch with a form fork over (or out, up
Side 2: Baseball to bat (the ball) foul to be or become fouled foul up [Colloq.] to bungle foully foulness
Slip 2 Side 1: the smoke of burning matter sooty
sooth truth
Side 2: showing care or concern
her welfare] 2: desirous; eager
a being
Q: What can I do to improve our relationship?
A: Side 1: 1: to decline to accept 2: to decline ( to do, grant, etc.) refusal
Side 2: by which the amount of air passing through can be controlled.
Music a part of the range of a voice or instrument 1: to enter in
Q: You still sound mad. Is the way I'm doing this (playing solitaire to occupy my right brain) not pleasing to you?
A: Side 1: notorious
Side 2: remarkable; outstanding notable
Q: Then why or what?
A: Side 1: riser 1: a person or thing that rises 2: a vertical piece between the steps in a stairway
Side 2: make (a liquid) cloudy, muddy, etc.
stirring up sediment 2: to vex
Q: What's a 'riser?'
A: Side 1: the art of preparing skinds of animals to make them appear lifelike taxidermist
Side 2: data about radiation, temperature, etc. from a remote point
Q: How can 'telepathy' 'vex' you?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: to swell]
the climax of a sexual act
orgy [Gr. orgia, secret rites] 1: a wild merrymaking 2: an overindulgent
Side 2: orris any of several European Irises esp. the one yielding a root (orris root) pulverized for perfumery, etc.
Slip 2 Side 1: and vegtables cooked quickly
Sukkot, Sukkoth [Heb. lit. tabernacles] a Jewish folk festival commemorating the
Side 2: superb 1. noble or majestic 2: rich or magnificent 3: extremely fine; excellent superbly
Q: So what about a harvest festival orgy?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto planetary
Side 2: calm; quiet placidity placidly
Slip 2 Side 1: adaptable able to adjust or be adjusted adaptability
Side 2: one's family and raise as one's own child 2: to take as one's own
Q: What event are you trying to describe?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: [see CONJOIN] 1: a joining together; union; combination 2: coincidence
Side 2: confessor 1: one who confesses 2: a priest who hears confessions
Slip 2 Side 1: (Ex.: Mary's dress) apostrophe
Side 2: [pronunciation guide form the bottom of the page, usually a sign-off]
Q: May I repeat the question?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: (to make circulate) circulation
Side 2: cistern
Slip 2 Side 1: quicken 1: to animate; revive 2: to move more rapidly; hasten
Side 2: to repeat (a passage, statement, etc.) 3. to state the price of (something) quote
Q: You wish me to 'move rapidly' and 'circulate' in something watery? Should I log onto the telecommunications network called The Well where I am a member and where you answer people's questions?
A: Side 1: belonging to the real nature of a thing; inherent intrinsically
Side 2: architecture characterized by ornamental scrolls on the
Q: I have logged on the Well. Now, what conference should I read?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: anneal
Side 2: also; in addition 2: plus 3: as a result 4: in contrast to; but
Slip 2 Side 1: into the spectrum prismatic
Side 2: 2: problem
probability 1: a being probable; likelihood
Q: Well, Shady, nothing is happening anywhere on the Well in particular. Or did I misunderstand you?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: 1: to call on (God) for blessing, help, etc.
(a law, ruling, etc.) as pertinent 4: to beg for; implore
Side 2: 1: to turn upside down 2: to reverse the order, position, direction, etc. of
Slip 2 Side 1: baser elements into gold alchemist
alcohol 1: a colorless, volatile, pungent liquid used in various forms as a fuel, an intoxicating
Side 2: 1: to let air into 2: to publicize in the air prevalent on (or off) the air that is (or is not) broadcasting up in the air 1: not settled [Colloq.] angry, excited, etc.
Q: I'm going to the radio conference which has an "On The Air" topic. The most interesting new posting seems to me someone's notes on the Dalai Lama's recent address entitled "Compassion and Non-Violence." Is this what you have been indicating?
A: Side 1: writing or speech translated into another language
Side 2: transfer, transferred, transferring
Q: He states that the purpose of life is compassion and joy, and that the main question for our time is how to achieve world peace. Do you wish to comment, Shady?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: trickle [ME striken, to strike]
slowly in a thin stream or fall in drops
Side 2: sing in a full voice
Slip 2 Side 1: with a moving line a lure and line used in trolling
Side 2: periwinkle
Q: He also said that gentleness is basic to human nature, and before we can achieve world peace we must achieve inner peace. Any comments?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: a vaulting vaulter
vaulting 1: leaping 2: unduly confident [vaulting ambition]
Side 2: from a verb verbally
verbalize to use word for communication to express in words
Slip 2 Side 1: construction [it's all right; he lords it over us] the player, as in tag
Side 2: irrecoverable than cannot be recovered, rectified or remedied
Q: The Dalai Lama states that compassion develops inner strength and self-confidence. Compassion for children is the most important thing to develop.
A: Slip 1 Side 1: clock orig. bell shape] a waven or embroidered ornament on a sock
Side 2: not talking much; taciturn
Slip 2 Side 1: soft, think fur 3: the fur
martial 1: of or suitable for war 2: warlike; bold
Side 2: a projection of the temporal bone behind the ear the mastoid projection
Q: I think we're disconnected, Shady. Over and out?
A: Side 1: nerve-racking, nerve-wracking very trying to the patience
Side 2: divination] 1: divination communication with the dead
Q: Yes, sometimes I feel the same way. Are we through for today?
A: Side 1: CLEAVE split; divided an opening made by cleaving; crack; crevice
clematis a flowering vine
Side 2: 4: neat and tidy
(pronunciation guide)
[End of Interview 13]
San Francisco
Remembering the trance-inducing effects
that oak smoke once had for me, I burned some oak bark and shavings in the room
before beginning, hoping to optimize the connection.
Q: It's been a while since we chatted, Shady. Are you
there and available?
A: Side 1: piggish gluttonous; filthy piggishness
Side 2: pie a baked dish of
fruit, meat, etc. with a under or upper
Q: You sound like your normal cantankerous self,
today! What's bothering you?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: and domesticated there as a beast
of burden
Side 2: mind by an effort; recall 3: to be careful not to forget 4: to mention
(a person) to another as sending regards
to bear or to call back to mind remember
Slip 2 Side 1: re-, again + plenus, full] 1: to make full or complete again
Side 2: repair] repairable
Q: You feel that I'm treating you badly by letting so
much time pass? I apologize. I had to finish up another manuscript. Speaking of
manuscripts, I wanted to ask you if you have a specific goal in mind for this
set of interviews. My goal has been, from the start, to get to know you better.
What about you?
A: intellectual involving or appealing to the intellect
Side 2: inter- 1: between
Q: An intellectual exchange of ideas, right? Between
'faiths' and groups. How do you feel about how our book is shaping up?
Especially my inclusion of articles on divination and oracles? Do you have
anything to suggest along these lines?
A: Side 1: dawe, jackdaw] a European black bird like the crowd, but smaller
Side 2: form of IT [the work itself is easy]
Q: I have been reading how crows are considered
sacred in many religions which utilized divination by the observation of
flights and cries of birds. I'll include something about 'ornithomancy' next.
Thanks! Anything else on this subject?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: inhibition an inhibiting or being inhibited
Side 2 -ing a suffix used to
form the present participle or verbed nouns
Slip 2 Side 1: does a single operation in assembling the work as it is passed
assemblyman a member of a
legislative assembly
Side 2: astrophysics the science of the physical properties and
phenomena of heavenly bodies
Q: You wish me to include an essay on divination by
the stars? Astrology? Astrodiagnosis? Meteoromancy? Sure! But I have always
thought horoscope charts very unscientific, based as they are on a sky map
which is no longer accurate due to the precession of the equinoxes. Am I wrong?
What are your ideas about astrology, etc.?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: bloomers [Amelia Bloomer, U.S. feminist] a woman's underpants gathered
above the knee
blooming blossoming,
Side 2: bark blazed (a tree or
trail) with blazes
Slip 2 Side 1: kumquat [Chin. chin-chü, golden
small, orange fruit
Side 2: lacework lace, or any
openwork decoration like lace
Q: How poetic! "Blooming blazes, golden
lacework!" Apt for the Milky Way. I'm an inhibited astronomer, actually.
Some of my happiest moments have been spent gazing at the night sky. And the
day sky, for that matter. Okay, an essay on stargazing. Anything else you wish
to include, my non-fleshy co-author?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: soundness of judgment
San Jose city in W Calif.
San Juan Puerto Rico
Side 2: crystalline substance found in natural beds, in seat water, etc. and
used for seasoning food salt
Slip 2 Side 1: gas, etc. used to produce anesthesia
Side 2: Anglo-Saxon a member
of the Germanic peoples
England before the 12th cent. 2: the language of OLD ENGLISH
Q: Salt definitely has been used for divination. I
could check salt use by the Anglo-Saxons, or perhaps you wish to point me to
their techniques of divination in general. As for anesthesia, the oak smoke I
used as incense earlier has definitely relaxed me. And come to think of it, the
Druid priests considered the oak sacred. Is that what you're thinking about,
A: Slip 1 Side 1: premium very valuable
Side 2: Pres. President
pres. present
presage [L. prae-, before + sagire, to perceive keenly]
Slip 2 Side 1: L. sanctus, holy]
1: holiness 2: sacredness
Side 2: seaport in W. Calif. San Francisco
sang pt. of SING
Slip 3 Side 1: Rom. poet
horde a crowd or throng, swarm
hording to form or gather
Side 2: domesticated for drawing loads, carrying riders, etc.
2: a frame with legs to support horse
Q: 'Hippomancy' -- divination by observing the
behavior of horses. I will add it to the list. I just did a 'double-take' on
the name "Shady." You would not, perhaps, be connected to tree
spirits? It would be most apt!
A: Slip 1 Side 1: expressing praise
laugh make the sounds and
facial movements that express mirth
Side 2: a period of late
lately not long ago; recently
Slip 2 Side 1: 1: in one side and out the other 2: from the beginning to the
end 3: completely to the end through
Side 2: threnos, lament
a song of lamentation
Slip 3 Side 1: exceptional 1:
Side 2: exclusive 2: not
shared 3: sole [an exclusive
Q: I interpret your reply as "Recently I was
connected to the tree spirits, but something unusual occurred that I
lament." Am I correct? And if so, what was this 'something?'
A: Side 1: 2: a) public employment [diplomatic service] b) a branch of this; specif. the armed forces 3:
work done for
Side 2: sexiness
Sgt. Sergeant
sh interj. hush! be quiet!
Q: Okay, 'nuff said! But please continue. This is an
excellent connection.
A: Slip 1 Side 1: flowers, etc.
spray can
Side 2: sportscast
Slip 2 Side 1: enough
Side 2: 2: all the conditions, etc. surrounding and affecting the development
of the organism environment
Slip 3 Side 1: provocative
provoke [L. pro-, forth + vocare, to call]
Side 2: publish 1: to make
publicly known; announce 2: to issue (a printed work) for sale to write books,
Q: I'll water the plants at once. And I gather you
feel you've said enough on different types of divination. Also, it sounds as if
you're urging me to go ahead with plans to publish these conversations. Am I
A: Slip 1 Side 1: lave to wash; bathe
Side 2: the early form of any animal that changes structurally when it becomes
an adult [the tadpole is the larva
of a frog]
Slip 2 Side 1: to guess conjecture
Side 2: conference 1: formal
meeting for discussion
Slip 3 Side 1: foreman 1: the
chairman of a jury 2: the head of a group of workers. forelady
Side 2: foolhardy foolishly daring; reckless
Slip 4 Side 1: to make a bid b) a bidding 2: an amount, etc. bid 3: a chance to
bid 4: an attempt or try (for)
bid for
Side 2: the bridegroom
a present as a gift (often with on)
Q: What conference are you suggesting I join?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: apparatus {L. ad-, to + parare,
prepare] 1: the materials, tools, etc. for a specific use 2: a complex machine
Side 2: money, etc. set aside
approval 1. the act of
approving 2: favorable attitude or opinion 3: formal consent.
Q: A 'complex machine conference' could mean my
teleconference network, The Well, which I access on my computer. What
conference there should I join?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: rate for having attained heaven
after an exceptionally holy life. saintliness
Side 2: seeds yield an edible
saffron 1: plant having orange
Slip 2 Side 1: two times ten; 20; the twenties
Side 2: stress
as of meaning twist
Q: 'Saintly saffron' could imply the Buddhism
conference. I'll check Response 20 and report back. Response 20 is interesting,
Shady. It's a discussion of the Three Paths of Buddhism. Is this what you had
in mind? If so, how did you know about it -- unless you also have a computer
and modem connection?
A: Side 1: reception 1: a) a receiving, or being received b) the
manner of this 2: a social function for the receiving of guests
Side 2: rebus {L., lit. by
things] a puzzle consisting of pictures, etc. combined to suggest words or
Q: I was just kidding. Anyway, the 'reception' has
been terrific. I guess the oak smoke helps! I'll check back soon. Over and out?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: put-down [Slang]
remark or crushing retort
put-on [Slang] a hoax
Side 2: supply (esp. food) purveyor
purview [Anglo-Fr. purveu
est, it is provided] scope or
[End of Interview
San Francisco
Q: Yesterday's interview went so well, that I'm
proceeding immediately after a ceremonial fumigation of the room with oak smoke
again. So, anything on your mind, Shady?
A: Side 1: like spasms; fitful spasmodically
Side 2: exceptional; unusual
4: of or for a particular purpose 5: not general; specific specially
Q: I thought our whole connection yesterday was
exceptional. What about you?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: learning acquired knowledge or skill
[L, laxus, loose]
Side 2: leaves the flat, thin
parts, usually green growing from the stem of a plant. 2: a petal
Slip 2 Side 1: drab a dull
yellowish brown
Side 2: dredging to coat
(food) with flour or the like
Q: I am learning to be looser, and not 'push' so hard
during our conversations. And you're right about the leaves on those plants.
They've turned brown -- I'm afraid I've lost them. I am cursed with a 'black
A: Slip 1 Side 1: archaic 1: ancient
Side 2: small animals with eight legs, including spiders and scorpions
Slip 2 Side 1: three times as
threescore sixty
threnody lament
Side 2: the other side 4: around [touring through France] a) from beginning to end of through
Slip 3 Side 1: such a system socialistic
Side 2: [see SOLICITOUS] 1: to appeal to (persons) for (aid, donations, etc.)
Slip 4 Side 1: Babylonian
baby sitter
Side 2: avouch [see ADVOCATE] to affirm
Q: What is an old Aramaic lament -- my lack of skill
as a gardener? Perhaps you are referring to that something 'lamentable' that
occurred to you recently, mentioned in our previous conversation. Are you are
describing that incident? "Through socialistic soliciting of a baby sitter
in archaic Aramaic" you got into some sort of trouble? Care to elaborate?
A: Side 1: consisting of a thin metal blade
Side 2: hastened disintegration] a stone coffin
Q: Because of this incident you were stabbed to death
and your disintegration hastened by a stone coffin? More, more!
A: Slip 1 Side 1: headache
in the head 2: [Colloq.] a cause of worry, annoyance or trouble
Side 2: hatchet a small ax with a short handle
Slip 2 Side 1: rank of a king, etc.
a sovereign, ruler, etc.
throng 1: a crowd 2: any great
number of things considered together
Side 2: threat an expression
of intention to hurt, destroy, punish, etc. 2: an indication of a source of
imminent danger
Q: You were axed in the head by the king and
threatened by a crowd? Fascinating! What was your name or nationality at the
A: Slip 1 Side 1: evolve [top
of the page]
Side 2: exhale [top of the page]
Slip 2 Side 1: now remained ever since] 2: at some time between then and now
Side 2: India
sit-down 1: a strike in which
Q: Okay, I'll stop pushing you, and breathe deeply.
But it sounds as if you might have been an Indian, and 'sit-down' could be
'Siddha' or some name like that. Am I jumping to conclusions? On the right
A: Slip 1 Side 1: con [Slang] confidence [con game] conned, conning [Slang] to swindle or trick
Side 2: compensatory
Slip 2 Side 1: good-hearted
kind, generous,
Side 2: gold leaf gold beaten into very thin sheets, used for
Q: Okay, okay, sorry. Just trying to find out more
about you. So let's talk about something else. You pick the subject.
A: Slip 1 Side 1: mulligan stew a kind of meat stew
Side 2: musketeer a soldier
armed with a musket
muskmelon any of various
juicy, sweet melons
Slip 2 Side 1: envy 1:
discontent and ill will over another's advantage
Side 2: enroll
recorded in a roll or list 2: to enlist 3: to make or become a member enrollment
Slip 3 Side 1: vaporize to change into vapor
Side 2: a drifting or irresponsible life 3: shiftless; worthless 1: one who
wanders from place to place vagabond
Q: Too nonsensical. Over and out?
A: Side 1: prehendere, take] adapted for grasping, esp. by wrapping
around something, as a monkey's tail
Side 2: 1: to wholly occupy the thoughts of; engross 2: to take possession of
before someone else or beforehand preoccupation
Q: Gotcha!
See you later!
[End of Interview 15]
& Divination 5
How Temples Were
A Maybe So Story
Once upon a time, dear hearts, when our planet was
but a downy chick and humankind had just recently swung down from the trees, an
ancestor of ours named Ugoo headed home to his tribe. A lengthy hunt had
delayed him beyond nightfall and a rainstorm was on his tail. He slouched
through the forest primeval expecting the worst because, more often than not,
the worst was sharpening its claws on a nearby tree. His particular genus of
Homo Erectus -- and not too erect at that -- was considered quite tasty by some
of the toothier inhabitants of the Middle Pleistocene. And things bestirred
themselves out there in the gloom in a manner that Ugoo found most unsettling.
When he passed a particular tree that had grown a particular way, two of its
limbs rubbed together, one against the other and gave off a most peculiar
squeak. Or squeal, if you prefer. Now, although Ugoo had not progressed very far
up the evolutionary ladder, he did know that trees sang in the wind. But they
certainly did not squeak or squeal midway in between out of nowhere!
Ugoo stopped short, his eye teeth bared, snarling
to keep up his courage while the hairs on his neck -- and very plentiful hairs
they were -- stood up straight. 'Squealk!' went the tree again. The dark,
moonless night closed in around him, He knew that the forest abounded in lions
and tigers and apes of all shapes and snakes that ate babies and you name it and
its fiercer brother lived just over the hill! Trembling in every limb, Ugoo
tightened his sphincter so as not to loose every vestige of control (a recent
village discovery) and grabbed a rock in each hand. 'Squealk!' went the tree
again. He heaved both rocks at the sound and lit out for home with nary a
backward glance. Into the men's cave he scrambled and shook one of his older
brothers awake.
"Ooh-ooh!" he panted, pointing over his
shoulder. "Ooh-ooh-ooh!"
Everyone sprang to their feet, most suddenly and
thoroughly awake, because 'ooh-ooh!' had been agreed upon as the alarm sound
whenever dire events threatened. 'Ooh-ooh!' They peered fearfully out the door.
But nothing dire happened and Ugoo had to tell his story in great and wondrous
detail. If he ornamented it a bit we shouldn't wonder, because the frowns on
his kinsmen's pronounced prefrontal arches were getting deeper and deeper. He
pantomimed a frightful apparition with long bloody fangs. Only by his quick
thinking and a few well-aimed blows had he survived to tell the tale! One of
his brothers shut him up with a good thud on the cranium and they all went back
to sleep.
When the tribe gathered in the morning for a
breakfast of gamy Hypohippus and waterlily roots, Ugoo told his story again. By
now the ogre had grown taller than the tree itself with heads that grew back
faster than Ugoo could pound them to pulp with his stone adz. His kinsmen made
an appreciative audience when not awakened unnecessarily. Had not they
themselves experienced many inexplicable, strange events in the forest? They
believed everything Ugoo said and then some! So it became the custom, whenever
one of them passed the 'Ooh' tree, to shout 'Ooh!' and throw a rock or two,
even if it did not go 'squealk!'
Now as you all know, if you put energy into a
spooky place, it gets spookier. That is one of the facts of life every child
learns. So after a year or two of this particular nonsense, quite a pile of
rocks had accumulated under the Ooh Tree and many stories had grown up about
the numerous close calls and heroic battles with the tree monster. By the time
a few more years passed, all the rocks in the area had been thrown and
villagers had to remember to bring them from the river to have something on
hand. One young man who forgot his rocks threw a stick one day and invented
spears, but that's another story entirely.
One night, there occurred a stupendous
thunderstorm of the sort quite frequent in those times and a bolt of lightning
shattered the Ooh tree into splinters, leaving only a scorched stump. Do you
think this ended these odd goings-on? It definitely did not! The 'squealk!'
disappeared with the tree, but now the tribe provided the sound themselves.
"Ook! Ook!" they would hoot, throw a
rock or two and then run for their silly lives.
The few villagers who might have entertained some
doubts about these happenings kept their thoughts to themselves. If nothing
else, the children had been remarkably well behaved since the monster appeared.
All a parent had to do was go 'Ook!' and point down the path for all mischief
to cease.
Gradually Ook the Monster's place became an
impressive rock pile and when Grandma Ha-Ah dropped dead near the spot, a
funeral dance had to be held there to convince her spirit not to inhabit the
place. The funeral food offerings were donated to the monster in the hope of
keeping him preoccupied, and the berry harvest ceremony was danced to keep the
fruit from molding and the waterlily roots fresh. Afterwards, they gathered at
a respectful distance to stare at the rockpile. It was taboo to approach any
nearer or else your insides fell out.
One day a marauding band of bigger and less hairy
people came down from the north, as they always seem to do. Their warriors had
stone-tipped spears which gave them a tremendous advantage. They killed off
most the men including, I'm sorry to report, Ugoo and, as was their disgusting
custom, ate their brains. The women and children they enslaved, and settled
down to enjoy themselves. As so often happens with conquerors, they absorbed
the local customs and began throwing rocks and offering food to Ook. In fact,
they adopted him as the guardian spirit of the village in spite of his not
having provided much protection to the original inhabitants. The invaders'
chief once had seen a lovely cairn -- a grave of a famous leader -- over which
the rocks had been placed in a symmetrical manner. He decided to please Ook --
who now was referred to as !Ook with an honorific glottal stop prefix -- by
putting a band of his slaves to work cleaning up the place. After two slaves
were defenestrated and excraniated for refusing to have anything to do with the
project -- they wanted to keep their insides inside -- everyone else pitched in
with remarkable vigor. Two others died of fright in spite of the work being
done in broad daylight, but the rest laid a nice mud and rock terrace and built
an altar at one end. The chief sacrificed a maiden and everyone went home
feeling pleased with themselves.
It was only a matter of time before an outcast,
who had been chased into the forest for laughing during an eclipse, began to
live there. He had had a dream in which !Ook offered him immunity in return for
his services, or at least that's what he told everyone. Often in his crazed
fits he became !Ook himself and roared and shrieked all night to the horrified
awe of the tribespeople. They would then make sure to bring especially tasty
tidbits the next morning. The outcast had !Ook's permission to eat the food
offerings, and before long he was even giving advice during his more lucid
moments to whomever stopped by.
Time passed as time passes, oh beloved and best,
and one set of conquerors replaced another. The Place of !Ook grew fancier and
fancier. One especially demented individual discovered if you hit two flinty
rocks together they cracked along a sharp edge. Better knives and spear tips
were made, skin scrapers, nose piercers, lip gougers and other useful things.
Another maniac grabbed up a burning branch from a forest fire and placed it on
!Ook's altar where it was kept alive by feeding it dry wood. Food offerings
smelled so good when they burned! Before long the whole village was enjoying
baked waterlily roots and roast lizard and congratulating themselves on how
technologically advanced they had become. !Ook became The Fire-Bringer and the
chaser of darkness. No longer did they have to go to bed with the sun but
instead sat up staring into the campfire while 'The Adventures of !Ook' was
recited by a tribal elder. Of course there were those who bemoaned the passing
of the good old days when everyone turned in at a decent hour. Thus was born
the earliest version of Prometheook -- excuse me, but it may be so --who
brought the heavenly fire to earth.
Over the millennia, !Ook's Place became a temple
of impressive proportions. If the local volcano had not erupted and covered it
with ash, you could see it today. In the center where the original tree stood,
a tall wooden pillar had taken its place. Upon it were carved a series of
pictographs that told the whole story of how !Ook brought Agnook (fire) down to
mankind at the risk of his own reputation. It was a lovely, lovely spot with
dried blood clots on the altar, and impressive sacrifices were celebrated
during the dark of the moon every month.
If it existed today, of course you would find a
missionary church built on the temple ruins. Holy places, doviest of loves,
have a way of remaining holy, no matter who wins the battle.
May 30, 1991
Q: G'morning, Shady. Are you up for another chat? I'm
fumigated and ready to go!
A: Side 1: outstation a remote or unsettled
extend 2: to stretch beyond
outstrip to set a faster pace
Side 2: from a group
[pick out]
Q: Am I setting too fast a pace? I would like to talk
more about that recent incarnation of yours. Okay? Or would you prefer some
other topic.
A: Slip 1 Side 1: a close manner
closely closeness
close closed closing
Side 2: cliquishly
Slip 2 Side 1: amuck AMOK
Side 2: to + mors, death] to
put amortize
Q: Okay, let me change the subject. How would you
describe the ultimate goal or purpose of our conversations?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: pigtail
hanging at the back of the head
pike clipped form of TURNPIKE
Side 2: a piece + mele, part]
piece by piece made or done piecemeal
Slip 2 Side 1: men
menace a threat or danger
menacing to threaten
Side 2: the open spaces of a net, screen, etc. 2: a net or network 3: a netlike
material as for stockings 4: the engagement of gears mesh
Slip 3 Side 1: dissident
Side 2: (from a course) 2: to amuse divert
Q: A pieced-together, back-of-the-head road that is menacing
to men, although meshing with and amusing to certain dissidents?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: embrace embraced
Side 2: chin; she; thin
[pronunciation guide]
Q: Why should this threaten anyone?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: by workers living on it 2: a large,
cultivated planting of trees
planter 1: the owner of a
Slip 2 Side 1: bail [L. bajulare, bear a burden] 1: money deposited with the
Side 2: backbite to slander
(someone absent) backbiter
Slip 3 Side 1: canto [It. L. canere, sing] any of the main divisions
Side 2: capillary [L. capillus, hair] very slender 1: a tube with a small bore
Q: Because these 'verses' slander the 'plantation
owner?' Who's the 'planter'?'
A: Slip 1 Side 1: black-spotted tawny coat
Africa and Asia 2: same as JAGUAR
leotard [19th-c Fr. aerial
performer] a tight-fitting garment for an acrobat
Side 2: free time during which one may indulge in rest, recreation, etc. free
and unoccupied leisure
Q: I'm impinging on the leisure of Jaguar, an aerial
acrobat? How and why?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: India
sit-down 1: a strike in which
Side 2: now remained ever since]
2: at some time between then and now
Slip 2 Side 1: not operative; invalid
nugget a lump, esp. of native
Side 2: fat; ape; car;
ten; even
[pronunciation guide]
Q: 'Slip 1' I also received yesterday, Shady. And the
pronunciation guide is your usual sign-off. Are we through for today?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: bestride
or stand stride
[prob. ABET]
proved wrong
Side 2: bode or bided,
biding [Archaic or Dial.] 1: to
stay; continue
Slip 2 Side 1: criticism
unexpected unforeseen unexpectedly
Side 2: below the normal or
allowed weight
underworld 1: Hades; hell
Q: Okay, good. I would like to repeat my original
question: how would you describe the ultimate goal or purpose of our
A: Slip 1 Side 1: not skilled or experienced
unprecedented having no
precedent or parallel; unheard-of
Side 2: different
different from
Slip 2 Side 1: cut (vegetables, etc.) into small cubes no dice [Colloq.]
Side 2: 1: interchange of ideas
by open discussion 2: the passages of talk in a play, story, etc. dialogue
Slip 3 Side 1: pitcher one who
pitches; specif. Baseball the
player to pitches the ball to the batters
Side 2: into the ground to grow 2: to set firmly in position 3: to settle;
establish 4: [Slang] to place (a person or thing] in such a way as to trick,
trap, plant
Slip 4 Side 1: to make or work in
for or grown in a garden gardener
Side 2: horn; tool; oil;
[pronunciation guide]
Q: 'An unprecedented dialogue that plants a garden
(of ideas)?' I like that.
A: Side 1: reluctantly
rely [L. re-, back + ligere, bind] to trust
Side 2: relent [L. re-, again + lentus, pliant] to become less stern, severe, or
stubborn; soften
Q: You are trusting me more, Shady? Good! I've been feeling
a certain irritation from your side. So, do you feel that our conversations are
valuable in and of themselves, without any specific goal or purpose?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: accident 1: an unintended happening 2: a mishap
Side 2: with liberal arts rather than technical education 3: formal; pedantic
4: merely theoretical academically
Q: You didn't intend to sound irritated? And my
question seems academic? Not really, since the publisher will want to know
where all this is heading. Where IS this all heading, Shady? Toward setting up
a permanent means of interdimensional communication? As a way of providing
important information for the healing and protection of the planet? There are
so many important, unanwered questions facing humankind! Help us!
A: Slip 1 Side 1: uncomfortably
uncommited 1: not committed or
pledged 2: not taking a stand
Side 2: unbalanced a) mentally deranged b) erratic
Slip 2 Side 1: position to settle (difference) between persons, nations, etc.
by intervention mediate
Side 2: [G. meer, sea + schaum, foam] 1: a white, claylike mineral used for
tobacco pipes
Q: You would like to 'mediate among the sea foam of
the uncommited and uncomfortably unbalanced?' Good! What would you say to these
A: Side 1: logistic, logistical, logistically
logjam 1: an obstacle of logs
jamming together in a stream 2: piled-up work, etc. that obstructs
Side 2: lordship
of a lord 2: rule; dominion 3: a title used in speaking of or to a lord; with his or your
Lord's Prayer
Q: Okay, so there's a logistical logjam. But is
prayer all that is possible?
A: Side 1: providing for the future 2: prudent,
economical providently
providential of or seeming to
come from divine providence
Side 2: publican 1: in ancient Rome, a tax collector 2: [Brit.] a
saloonkeeper; innkeeper
Q: You're good at generalities, Shady, but how about
something more specific? For example, what should I watch out for during the
next few days? Specifically, the luncheon meeting today with a potential
business advisor?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: deluding or being deluded
belief, specif. one that persists psychotically delusive
Side 2: denouncing [see
DENUNCIATION] to accuse publicly; inform against 2: to condemn strongly
Slip 2 Side 1: 2: to withdraw (a person) as from a habit
Side 2: route or course [lead the way] 5: habit of life [give up evil ways] 6: a method of doing something way
Slip 3 Side 1: lovelorn pining
from love
lovely 1: beautiful
Side 2: lunch
meal between breakfast and dinner to eat lunch
Q: My, but are you ever on target! I'll try not to be
delusive or denouncing at lunch. And I won't use a 'weapon way,' and thanks --
I'll have a lovely time! Anything else before I rush out of here?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: something equal to equality
Side 2: property beyond the amount owed on it. 3: Law a system of doctrines supplementing common and
statute law
Slip 2 Side 1: wrest pull or
force away violently
Side 2: favorable one
Slip 3 Side 1: 1: a lamenting 2: an elegy, dirge, etc. lamentable
Side 2: larch
of the pine family
Q: Thanks, Shady. We'll pick up from here tomorrow.
Over and out.
A: Side 1: let's
Side 2: stories handed
generations and popularly
{End of Interview
San Francisco
Q: Picking up where we left off, something was
'lamentably forcing you away,' as I interpret your statements. And you wanted
to 'equalize' something. This is the third time that 'lament' has occurred in
your comments recently. What are you trying to say?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: to attack the reputation of; slander
or libel defamation defamatory defamer
Side 2: concentration of
(governmental authority, industry, etc.) and distribute more widely decentralization
Slip 2 Side 1: a greater distance 2: to a greater degree 3: in addition FURTHER
Side 2: through
2: to start eating
fallacious misleading or
Slip 3 Side 1: a piglike animal, native to S. America, with sharp tusks
peck 1: to strike (at) as with
a beak
Side 2: patron saint a saint
looked upon as a special guardian
Q: Do you feel I'm slandering or deceiving you,
Shady? "Through fallacious pecks at my 'patron saint'?" Please
clarify! I feel most respectful towards you at all times!
A: Side 1: children to be cared for
where young trees or plants are raised nursery
Side 2: to rub with the nose or
snout 2: to nestle nuzzle
Q: Okay, a nuzzle to you to. But what's bothering
A: Slip 1 Side 1: to answer impertinently down to to talk patronizingly by simple speech
Side 2: (take pity) 27: to
to carry 29: to remove take
Slip 2 Side 1: multitude 1: a large number
Side 2: darkness; gloom
Q: You feel I'm talking down to you? I certainly don't
intend to give that impression! Please accept my apologies if I've made you
gloomy. Now then, let's get on with another topic. Anything you wish to discuss
A: Slip 1 Side 1: sheathe sheathed
sheathing 1: to put into a sheath
2: to enclose in a case or covering
Side 2: shingles an acute
Slip 2 Side 1: nose drops
medication administered through the nose
Side 2: the state of being nude [in the nude]
nudge, nudging
Q: You're nudging me to take my nose drops. Okay, but
I feel there are some more important topics. For example, what about 'Jaguar,'
the 'plantation-owner' you mentioned who is threatened by our conversations?
A: Side 1: tandem [punning use of L. tandem, at length (of time)] One behind another; in single
Side 2: a person that follows
surveillance 1: at the rear of 2: from the read [a tail wind] [Colloq.] to follow close tail
Q: The Jaguar has been tailing us at length? Could you tell me more about him/her?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: short subject
animated cartoon, shown along
with the featured motion picture
short-tempered easily or
quickly angered
Side 2: from end to end in
{pronunciation guide}
Slip 2 Side 1: harm; damage
hurtful causing hurt; harmful
Side 2: hung up (on) [Slang] emotionally disturbed; frustrated or
obsessed (by)
Q: Is he/she a human being, a spirit, or what? And
while we're at at, let's send the Jaguar some peaceful, loving beams.
A: Side 1: bad-smelling breath
dwelling on an estate
Side 2: handset a telephone
receiver in a single unit
Q: May I repeat the question, please?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: as air and water pollution
environs [en-, in + viron, a circuit]
Side 2: enough
enplane board an airplane
Slip 2 Side 1: her own right
her beauty or accomplishments
4: the fully developed, reproductive female
Side 2: {pronuciation guide}
Q: Most mysterious! A female 'jaguar,' it seems.
Anything else to tell me about her?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: obsidian
one Obsius, its alleged
hard, dark volcanic glass
Side 2: goose: from its shape] a small wind instrument ocarina
Slip 2 Side 1: eat quickly and greedily
eagerly; snatch (up)
gobbledygook pompous, wordy
Q: I think we're not getting anywhere, Shady. Over
and out?
A: Side 1: specify the apparatus that transmits
signals in telephony, radio. etc.
{pronunciation guide}
{End of Interview
San Francisco
Q: Shady, I have been publishing 'KIT,' a monthly
newsletter for ex-members and 'graduates' of a highly authoritarian, closed
Christian sect known as the Hutterian Brethren, or the 'Bruderhof.' Who is the spirit
behind the Bruderhof communities?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: first
Side 2: fire
Slip 2 Side 1: matchless
Side 2: Mary Magdalene
Q: Very interesting response, Shady! And is this
spirit one who serves love and God?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: intercept
or seize in its course 2: Math.
to cut off between two points, lines, etc. interception
Side 2: intelligent having our
showing intelligence; clever, wise, etc. intelligently
Slip 2 Side 1: to keep (or lose)
control. etc. on (or upon)
one's head as one's
responsibility over one's head
Side 2: bring forth (young) from
2: to contrive (a plan, etc.) incubate
Q: I don't understand your response too well, except
that's she 'intercepts intelligently' and 'incubates over one's head.' Could
you describe more about this Mary Magdalene spirit's interests, plans, and so
A: Slip 1 Side 1: midway
to adjust by compromise 2: to lay open to compromise
Side 2: measuring, etc. 2. a boundary compass
Slip 2 Side 1: philosopher
Side 2: plow a farm implement used to cut and turn up
Slip 3 Side 1: sunnandaeg,
lit. sun day] the first day of the week, set aside as a day of worship by most
Side 2: sumac 1: any of numerous nonpoisonous plants with
cone-shaped cluster of red fruit
Q: Well, the Bruderhof members certainly are
Christians, and their publishing house is called "The Plough." So she
is interested in 'encompassing compromise,' and 'Platonic plows.' Would I be
able to talk to her directly? I imagine she must be pretty angry with the way
the KIT newsletter for the Bruderhof exiles and survivors has been stirring
things up!
A: Slip 1 Side 1: as a sample
specious [L. species, appearance] seeming to be good, sound, correct,
etc. without really
Side 2: orally
speak out (or up) to speak clearly or freely speak well for to say or indicate something favorable about
Slip 2 Side 1: exculpation
Side 2: exchequer [ML. scaccarium, chessboard: accounts or revenue were kept
Slip 3 Side 1: the practice of trying to foretell the future or the unknown divination
divine of, like of from God
Side 2: dissolution dissolving
or being dissolved
Slip 4 Side 1: fire to a building
art 1: human creativity 2:
skill 3: any specific skill
Side 2: come into being 4: to result (from) arise
Q: Just 'speak out' to her via the 'art of
divination?' Or of 'dissolution into the Divine' out of which 'arose the
aristocracy?' Well, it's worth a try. Here we go. Mary Magdalene, you have been
identified as the spirit expressing itself through the Bruderhof community
where my grandchildren are being raised. Do you have any advice for me about what
I could do that would be in their best interests?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: the use of liquor sobriety
2: an assumed name
Side 2: a mercenary
sole the bottom surface
Slip 2 Side 1: redoubtable formidably
Side 2: to pass through a cycle again 2: to use again and again, as the same
water recycle
Slip 3 Side 1: goodbye
ad infinitum without limit
Side 2: adder a poisonous
snake of Europe
Slip 4 Side 1: application continued
effort; dilligence 6: relevance or practicality
Side 2: appreciative feeling
or showing appreciation
Slip 5 Side 1: raising the hand
to the head salute
Side 2: sapsucker a small American woodpecker that drills holes in
trees and drinks the sap
Slip 6 Side 1: hastily, often superficially done cursorily
Side 2: to pick out
something picked out for rejection
not being up to standard cull
culminate [L. culmen,peak]
Q: Use a 'sober assumed-name society' to create a
'formidable bottom surface?' And then 'endless goodbyes,' although you're
'appreciative of -- and salute -- my efforts, although some are hastily done
and not up to your standards.' Shady, am I getting her message correctly? I
certainly am in the process of creating a 'sober assumed-name society' known as
a non-profit corporation.
A: Side 1: climb] 1: a sloping walk or road joining
different levels 2: a wheeled staircase for boarding an airplane ramp
Side 2: hraethe, quickly] 1: more willingly; preferably 2: with
more justice, reason, etc. [I rather than you, should pay] rather
{End of Interview
San Francisco
Q: Shady, I've been reading Felicitas Goodman's book[1] on how
postures affect trance states. Would a different posture or place in the house
make a difference in our 'connection?'
A: Slip 1 Side 1: to write words, book, letter, etc. write
off 1: to remove from accounts
(bad debts, etc.)
Side 2: caused by a {line drawing of a monkey wrench}
twist, as to the back wrench
Slip 2 Side 1: control lever or
pedal 1: to choke; strangle 2: to censor or suppress throttle
Side 2: more than 2; 3; III
Slip 3 Side 1: an elephant's trunk, or any similar long, flexible snout. proboscis
procedure the act or method of
Side 2: in such phrases as privy council, a body of confidential advisors named by a ruler privies an outhouse
Slip 4 Side 1: this place [come here] 3: this point 4: on earth this place neither here nor there irrelevant hereabout in this general
Side 2: a spiral helix
hell [ OE. helan, to hide
Q: It seems that 'place and position' are not
important to our connection. Am I correct? How about something else I noticed
which seemed common to all the postures Dr. Goodman mentioned: the tongue
always protrudes slightly, as I am doing now?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: 1: to go or come back 2: to reply 1:
to bring, send, or put back 2: to do in reciprocation [to return a visit] 3: to yield (a profit, etc.) 4: to
report return
Side 2: [restless sleep] 3:
rarely quiet
active; discontented restlessly
Slip 2 Side 1: an ending of some feminine nouns of agent [aviatrix]
troche a small medicinal
Side 2: nation to another as acknowledgement of subjugation, for protection,
etc. 2: any forced payment 3: something given, done or said to show gratitude tribute
Q: It sounds as if I should 'return and restore' to
what I did before. Just one last possibility. What about what I am doing now
with my tongue and mouth?
A: Side 1: command or earnest request
behind 1: in or to the rear 2:
in a former time, place, etc. 3: in or into arrears 4: slow; late
beforehand ahead of time; in
befoul 1: to make filthy; soil
2: to cast aspersions on
Q: You earnestly request I 'return and restore' to
what I was doing beforehand? But sometimes it seems as if we're communicating
so poorly, Shady! Is there ANYTHING I can do to improve the connection?
A: Slip 1 Side 1: [OE. beran, to bear] 1: the act of bringing forth offspring
2: a being born 3: origin or descent birth
Side 2: bilingual [bis, two + lingua, tongue] of, in, or speaking two languages
Slip 2 Side 1: that or those belonging to her [hers are better]
Side 2: high-tension carrying high voltage
high tide the highest level to
which the tide rises
Q: 'Bilingual birth, high-tension herself?' Would you
elaborate further on my question?
A: Side 1: put, take, etc. secretly or stealthily 1:
one who sneaks 2: the act of sneaking without warning [a sneak attack] sneak
Side 2: snooty haughty,
snobbish snootiness
snooze [Colloq.] a brief sleep
Q: Okay, because of the incomprehensibility of your
replies, I am returning to my usual method, posture, position and place.
A: Slip 1 Side 1: extort to get (money, etc.) from someone by force or
Side 2: intense; keen
extant still existing
Slip 2 Side 1: charm [L. carmen]
Side 2: characterization
charade [Fr. charrar, to gossip] a game in
Slip 3 Side 1: heavy blows ( at or
on) 2: to move with heavy
stepes 3: to throb pound
Side 2: are garrisoned 3: the
place assigned to one 4: a job or duty 1: to assign to a post post
Q: You'd characterize this 'intense extortion' as a
'still-charming charade' similar to 'pounding a post?' Well, the other feeling
that Dr. Goodman's book gave me was that I should always approach you with
utmost respect.
A: Side 1: (an object) to give the illusion of proper
relative size foreshorten
Side 2: pedestrians
footed having feet of a
specific number or kind (four-footed0
footfall the sound of
Q: You do have my total respect, Shady, although I
think a sense of humor never harms anything. Right?
A: Side 1: to study] one who studies or investigates
2: one who is enrolled for study at a school, college, etc. student
Side 2: strife 1: contention 2: fight or quarrel; struggle
strike struck
Q: Do you feel that we quarrel? I hope not! Okay, now
that we've resolved the original question of approach, is there anything else
you wish to discuss?
A: Side 1: 2: a manner of expression 3: a certain
attitude [a friendly tone] 3:
a style, character, spirit, etc. 4: elegance 5: a quality of color, shade tone
Side 2: others beliefs, practices, etc. 2: the amount of variation allowed from
a standard of accuracy, etc. 3: Med. the ability to endure the effects of tolerance
Q: You wish to discuss the 'tone of tolerance' of our
conversations? Do you find me intolerant? Please explain further.
A: Slip 1 Side 1: fretted, fretting to furnish with frets
horn, tool, look, oil, out, up, fur
{pronuciation guide}
Side 2: border of threads, etc. hanging loose, often tied in bunches 2: an
outer edge; border 3: a marginal or minor part fringed, fringing
Slip 2 Side 1: an officer of a
merchant ship, ranking below the captain mated, mating 1: to join as a pair 2: to couple in marriage or sexual union
Side 2: mascara
maskhara, a clown] a cosmetic for coloring the eyelashes
and eyebrows
mascon dense material
{beneath the
surface of the moon}
Q: 'Fretted and fringed mating material?' It seems as
if there have been subtle references to my wife Judy earlier -- 'bilingual'
(she's a teacher of English as a Second Language) and the pronoun 'herself.'
Also she is 'snoozing' in the other room, and there has been some 'fretful,
marginal material' in our mating, although nothing serious.
A: Side 1: puzzling question,e tc. requiring some
ingenuity to answer 2: any puzzling person or thing. riddle
Side 2: a brilliant display (of
color) [Colloq] something very funny to take part in a riot riotous
rip ripped, ripping
Q: Good! Are you suggesting that I make some
'footfalls' in her direction and give her a kiss and hug to emphasize a
'tolerant tone' in our relationship?
A: Side 1: corrections on (printer's proofs, etc.) proofreader
Side 2: fat, ape, car, ten,
even, is, bite, go, chin, she, thin, then, zh, leisure
{pronuciation guide}
Q: She's a great proofreader, and a very supportive
'prop' to her somewhat eccentric mate. Are you signing off with that
pronunciation guide?
A: Side 1: a sprinkling 2: a light rain sprinkler
sprinkling a small, scattered
number or amount
Side 2: spongy
sponge bath a bath taken by
using a wet sponge or cloth without getting into water
Q: I'm going, I'm going! Over and out!
{End of Interview
[1] Where The Spirits Ride The Wind: Trance
Journeys and Other Ecstatic Experiences, by Felicitas D. Goodman, Indiana University Press, Bloomington
& Indianapolis, 1990
San Francisco
Q: Let's talk about romantic love, Shady, that
ecstatic union of souls. Plotinus talks of life as 'the flight of the alone to
the Alone,' yet what a miracle, a gift it is if on that flight we encounter a
soul-companion! But it took me almost half a century to find her.
A: Slip 1 Side 1: surreptitious [L. sub-, under + rapere,
seize] done, got, acting, etc. in a secret, stealthy way surreptitiously
Side 2: swayback having an abnormal sagging of the spine, as some
horses, etc.
Q: Maybe I'm asking too much? In these times of
bitter break-ups and disastrous divorces, the ideal of romantic love seems to
have fallen on hard times. But what about it, Shady? Isn't there something to
love between two humans that has potential of aspiring to an eternal and divine
A: Slip 1 Side 1: antitoxin 1: a substance formed in the blood to act against
a specific toxin. 2: a serum containing an antidote
Side 2: Apache member of a
tribe of SW U.S. Indians
apart 1: aside 2: away in
Slip 2 Side 1: Holy Spirit or Ghost the third person of the Trinity; spirit of God
Side 2: writing and preaching sermons homiletic
Q: True love as an 'apartness antitoxin,' a 'homily
of the Holy Spirit.' I think I understand. In my case, it took me a lot of
trial and error to find the perfect woman. I guess I'm just a real lucky guy,
or at least there's somebody up there looking out for me!
A: Slip 1 Side 1: 5: to tie by hanging 6: to droop;
the way a thing
get (or have) the hang of to get the knack of
Side 2: halo 1: a ring
Slip 2 Side 1: break up the quiet 2: to make uneasy; upset
Side 2: place where distilled
Q: "Get the hang of a halo?" I think this
is all for now.
A: Side 1: Nixon
{End of Interview
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