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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

More than you want to know right here! http://www.raysender.com

April 5, 2005

The Half-Second NOW lag

I've been reading Amit Goswami's "The Self-Aware Universe" and was struck by something he said about the half-second time lag between our conscious experience of something and our secondary awareness arising (verbal thought) with which comes the arising of the ego-self/I-am-this type of introspection. Quoting:

"Our preoccupation with the secondary processes (indicated by the time lag) makes it difficult to be aware of our quantum self and to experience the pure mental states that are accessible at the quantum level of our operation. Many meditation practices are intended to eliminate the time lag and to put us directly in touch with these pure mental states in their suchness (tathagata in Sanskrit). Evidence (albeit tentative) shows that meditation reduces the time lag between the primary and the secondary processes."

Now I've been promoting a tiny time lag in breath awareness, because this glues my awareness to the breath -- i.e. the brain says, 'Uh-oh, something is happening with the breath. I'd better pay attention to it.' This attention to "from where breath arises" has worked quite well for me in the past, but now I thought, 'What if I try to place my awareness one-half second ahead of the breath?' It sounds sort of odd, but there does seem to be a easy way to do this -- and it brings me back to a surfing metaphor I have used before, where you situate yourself right on the front shoulder of the wave (breath). Anyway, that's the big deal from today.


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