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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

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July 3, 2005

It's Yahweh! No, it's Allah, you fleabitten !@*$)&^!

Someone on a Yahoo list wrote:

>Certain dialects in India still don't have Bibles, Indonesia etc.

Well, thank God for small favors!

> As for Enki/Enlil, he whoever he is, is not the one true God. Allah is not
> either. He is the Moongod of the ancient tribes of Arabia. He was
> adopted by Mohammed and thus their flag has the crescent moon etc.
> I won't go into all that at the moment, but Yaweh is the one true
> God/Father of all mankind.

Rant Alert
This "One True Name Confusion and Hassle" has been ongoing ever since the first proto-humans climbed over the hill and insisted that the proto-humans in the next valley bow down to the visitors' very sacred Gigi Stick or else risk being ex-craniated.

The problem with _all_ religions is that all of them, like fresh peaches, do not travel well, but instead pick up noxious elements the moment they are exported away from their place of origin (and connection to their spirits of place) or written down. Sacred books have caused more anguish than understanding, in my humble opinion, and should never have been written in the first place. In fact I think it's writing things down that allowed the patriarchy to unseat the ancient matriarchal societies. Sacred books were merely the followers' attempts to duplicate the Followed's experiences instead of just going out and living their own. Monty Python's film "The Life of Brian" sums this up perfectly, all the way through to the final three-part chorus of "Only Look At The Bright Side Of Life - tah-tah!"

It's the old story of the charismatic/ecstatic's behavior being codified and
co-opted by an upwelling priest caste who are absolutely positive that they know what 'path' is in the best interests of the rest of humanity. And of course the charismatic/ecstatics then need to be controlled, or perhaps killed so that later they can be safely beatified and their bones made into new Gigi Sticks and worshipped.

In my humble opinion, 'paths' are merely worn-out spots in the meadow where too many creatures have followed each other "religio'd" (re-tied) nose-to-tail out of fear of what lurked 'out there somewhere off the beaten path.' I prefer the Dionysian romp to the heavy-hoofed Apollonian clomp. Also I think we should respect the tribal gods and goddesses of each and every valley tribe and not try to inflict our own valley's spirits on them. What, you don't know your valley spirits? How impoverished! How uncivilized! How boorish! How sad! My admiration goes out to those tribes who know the names and histories of their nature spirits, water sprites, their rocks and trees, their overarching archetypes and elementals, such as the Australian aborigines and the Santal tribals in India. THESE are truly noble and wise people.

We, the hurry-up-and-do-it-our-way-or-die invaders, some day will have to acknowledge our monstrous cruelties and terrible tortures in the name of the One True Religion (Christianity, Materialism, Science, Democracy). Since I believe in reincarnation, I am so grateful that all priest caste and warrior caste and robber baron folk will be eager to be born into impoverished, beaten-down Third World environments where they can balance their debts to the universe -- and in turn be forced by religious goons into joining a book-of-rules religion and to wear the modest banana leaf over the genitalia so as to inflame the prurient imaginations of the invaders, etc. etc. By the way, nothing is less arousing than sheer, innocent nudity, as I learned on the hippie communes.

Also, by the way:
YAHWEH is an all-vowel breath mantra so that you can die with the
name of God on your lips.
ALLAH, is a heartbeat mantra, so that the last sound your body makes
is the name of God.
The Yahweh and Allah tribes have been fighting over this for aeons: 'God is breath!'
'No, God is heartbeat!' 'No, dammit, God is breath!' etc. etc. ad infinitum.

I like to combine the two:
on the inhale and on the heartbeat: Eee-aaah
on the exhale and on the heartbeat: Oooh-weh-lah-lah-lah-lah-lah
(flapping the tongue on the lah-lah's against the roof of the mouth)

Then I just lah-lah on the heartbeat for a while. Yummy!
The rest of it is just background noise, if it wasn't killing so many
people. Sometimes it makes me think I got off at the wrong planet.


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