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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

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December 20, 2005

Drill Sergeant teaches No Mind

I thought I posted this earlier, but can't find it so here goes:

What does the Army Drill Sergeant expect when he/she shouts this
"Backs straight! Chins in! Eyes forward!"
Try that posture. What does 'eyes forward' really mean?
And what's the Sergeant trying to do when he/she pushes
his/her face within inches of yours?
Sergeant Padmasambava: "Dogface!"
Private Dogface: "Here, SIR!"
Sergeant Padmasambava: "WHO you looking at, Private!?"
Private Dogface: "Er, you, sir!"
Sergeant Padmasambava: "Don't you look at me, Private! Who you looking at?"
Private Dogface: "No one -- er, nothing, SIR!
Sergeant Padmasambava: "Cor-RECT!"

I think I've discovered a link between this military 'attention'
position and what is called 'Abiding in the Self.'

Here's the exercise:

1. Widen the eyes as much as possible into a stare and lock them.
2. Hold the forehead muscles up.
3. Allow the corners of the mouth to smile and lock them.
4. Flare the nostrils and lock them.
5. Hold this 'Padmasambava Look'
Observe the energies being released in the lower belly, chest and
Observe the deepened breathing.
Increase your bliss tolerance level as much as possible, please.
6. When the eyes begin to tear, observe the energies behind the
tearing, then lower the eyelids enough to keep the eyes moist -
(the half-lid-lowered position).
7. You should, if I'm not mistaken, experience a near-orgasmic heart
rush within seconds. (your mileage may vary)
8. Of course you should not become attached to these extreme bliss
states, right? After all, what's extreme bliss? Just another
illusion to overcome. Right?
I said, 'RIGHT?' Hey, will you stop rolling on the floor with
your tongue sticking out, please, and listen to me?

COMMENT: The interesting thing about this posture is that it
sort of duplicates what the drill sergeant expects you to do when
he/she shouts 'TENNN-SHUN!' (except for the rolling on the floor, etc.


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