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Location: San Francisco, California, United States

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April 19, 2007

Dissolving into Grace

One good ol' way to avoid ego-inflation and stay out of the
'separate self' nonsense, comparable to the Hindu 'Neti-Neti'
path (in Christianity, the 'Via Negativa'), is just "zero-ing
out", dissolving into nothingness. Almost immediately Grace
descends. Doesn't really matter how one conceives it, really,
but the I-Thou as one of three aspects of That... (I-I, I-Thou,
We) always reminds me of the more loving aspects of the manifestation.
Each of the three (I-I, I-Thou, We) is a good check on the others.
Also it could be written as a formula (although I'm math-challenged):

zero to the nth equals the infinity sign, which I define as:
"dissolving the small isolated self through the Zero Point
as deeply as possible and through any number of levels leads to
'foreverwhere' (the self as infinite, or the Descent of Grace)."
Inasmuch as I have no idea what I'm doing in terms of the math,
I would be delighted for any corrections/suggestions to the formula.

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