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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

More than you want to know right here! http://www.raysender.com

January 25, 2006

Outside the Paradigm

All my friends are dropping hints that they don't like and don't read blogs, so I guess these thoughts are just for me. I have, however, opened up the comments window again since blogger.com has put a spamblocker on the comments window. Well done!

I'm very grateful to Her for bringing me various exercises that allow me access to what in Buddhism might be called the first Jhana, or on my recently devised scale to correlate between different spiritual traditions, I can coast at about 40 renas, an acronym for 'rapture-ecstasy-nirvana attributes' (unless I come up with a better explanation), named after a co-aspirant whose classic question in 1967 "How much bliss can you tolerate?" got me pondering the scale that John Gowan developed and I then added to. For Gowan's chart, see:
and for an explanation of the Buddhist absorption (Jhana) states, see:

The home-grown exercises that keep me at 40 renas include: (excuse me for repeating myself for the umpteenth time on this blog, but it's all I really want to talk about)

resonating my trachea (purring). Or think of it as the Vajra Mantra 'OM AH HUNG' if you prefer Tibetan. OR if you want to think of this as the everlovin' death rattle, that's okay too. "A death rattle a day keeps the coroner at bay."

uvula-soft palette nursing. What babies do in deep sleep, and they're pretty smart.

snoring (if we're in nirvana in deep sleep, then if I copy what I do in deep sleep, I can begin to access that state while awake).

blinking to 'swat' lingering thoughts - and as mentioned earlier, EEG research shows that consciousness shuts down for an instant when we blink -- and that blinking is used in the Tibetan Dzogchen tradition to break attachment to consciousness 'states.'

Also, flaring the nostrils slowly and smoothly on the inhale. I find this keeps me using deep, relaxed breaths whenever I stray away from them.

Anyway, all this is to answer the "what if you washed up on a desert island and only had your naked body as a resource against terminal boredom" question? You can only have so many orgasms in one day, right? And that post-coital glow -- it wears off quickly, that is unless you keep snoring/snorting afterwards.

Mix briskly and.... Wow! Do I really NEED more? I'm topped off quite nicely, thanks at 60 renas. I'll have to work on my bliss tolerance more, and

(not return for another incarnation unless I want to)

My 'With the Current' Current Daily Routine
I wake up, do my two hundred uvula sucks before I levitate out of bed, which gets me up to 55 renas of bliss, stabilize at 50 during the cappucino ritual whilst singing an assortment of anthems ("Way Down Upon The Swannee River," "My Country 'Tis of Thee," "A Piece of Peace Apiece" to "The Sheik of Araby" tune). Dance with our terrier Riqui during the last one, which he always enjoys.

Then sit down to read my e-mail, whilst purring eight to the bar. What else?

A nameless goddess recommends that I write up all my Harmless Exercises in one slim volume and leave it on coffee tables. I guess it could include: uvulizing, purring, snoring, flaring nostrils, breathing from the, er, rear end, smiling with the chin muscle up, blinking to swat thoughts. What have I forgotten? I now fall asleep with my hand crossed in front of my face so that the knuckles push my cheek muscles up into a smile as I drift. Takes me back to the womb -- (singing) "Carry me back, to Old Virginity..."

What about Physical Exercise?
I take Riqui for a walk every day, and do a meditation whilst walking. If I'm walking TOWARDS the sun, I concentrate on an I-THOU dialogue with IAOUE, the Sun in my animist mythology. Walking with the sun on my LEFT, I walk side-by-side with IAOUE as my male friend (MITRA in Sanskrit). Walking with the sun BEHIND me, following my shadow, I blank my mind and allow IAOUE to take me over and experience the planet through my perceptions - the 'Thou Art THAT' experience. I project myself into Riqui, with IAOUE on the other end of my leash (standing in for the Golden Thread that projects from us all the way to the sun). I do not, however, copy Riqui's proclivity for peeing on every tree in sight. Walking with the sun on my RIGHT, I walk with IAOUE as female friend/sister/mother: DEVI-HRI-MA-PRAKRITI-ADITI, the local node for the Mother of Galaxies -- actually She is All Names, the Great Cow Goddess VAK, the Sacred Udderance, as She manifests first from the unmanifest. We bulls are just an afterthought -- just a mother with a prolapsed uterus (penis), howling at the moooon.

IAOUE (YHVH) is a breath mantra - such a great idea to name the Creator after the breath sound, so that we all die with YHWH on our lips. (I think I written about this before, and also how 'Allah' is a heartbeat mantra, so we sound God's name throughout our lives.) The ancient Middle East argument then is:

"God is breath!"
"No, God is the heartbeat!"
"No, God is breath, you son of a camel!"
"No, God is the heartbeat, you flea-bitten heretic!"

And so it goes. Of course the two names combine nicely as

But then the evening news would be so boring! Happily For Ever After never kept anyone turning more pages. (YAWN)


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