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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

More than you want to know right here! http://www.raysender.com

February 7, 2006

Chin Pull-up Triggers Compassion

G. quoted Patrul Rinpoche on a dzogchen practice list:

Those with great compassion possess all the Buddha's teaching as if it were in the palm of their hand.

I find that various body postures/gestures help trigger specific consciousness states. Smiling and raising the front chin muscle - (mentalis muscle) triggers an intense upward flow of energy from the solar plexus, arms and heart chakra that I understand as 'compassion.'
Perhaps we could also say, 'Those with great compassion possess all the Buddha's teaching as if it were in the smile and upward tug of their chin.'
The smile is important, because otherwise the mentalis 'tug' turns into a somewhat disdainful overly-serious look (a personal problem that I have with some portrayals of the Buddha).

Here's a photo of the smile/upward tug of the mentalis chin muscle.

Always grateful for others' input.


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