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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

More than you want to know right here! http://www.raysender.com

March 10, 2006

Putting Things In Solar Perspective

The renowned Buddhist scholar Vimalakirti emphasizes the basic teaching of Buddhism: "Voidness itself _is_ matter." We might call this "The Spiritual Unified Field Theory" -- i.e. matter and spirit exist on the same vibrational scale. So then, what is to keep us from identifying 'Pure Awareness' as 'Solar Awareness' -- understanding our innate oneness with the Source of all light and life in our neighborhood via the ‘golden thread’ that connects us (at least in some people’s experience) to the Solar Source?
Positioning Pure Awareness geographically instead of abstractly/subtly helps me understand my surroundings better. Thus I am offered a visible example of an entity in Nirvana - i.e. my very own parent star shining forth in my own innate buddhahood, thus serving as a role model/mirror for my own practice (non-practice). Going in typical human self-inflationary abstractions ‘beyond’ our own physical neighborhood in space/time and ascribing to ourselves potential access to a wider experience of intrinsic awareness _beyond_ the solar center strikes me as indulging in the same fallacy as that of a flea crawling up an elephant’s leg intent on intercourse. I think everything various traditions describe happens on various orbit levels of nearness to Source, and that Source is physically visible in our sky daily. That’s what most of our planetary nature (all life) experiences from where it’s positioned a half-second ahead of humanity’s self-reflexive delay between pure awareness and ego-centered consciousness. So until I meet an entity on this planet whose awareness shines like that of our parent star... my focus remains on that half-second ahead of my ‘self’ where all life thrills to untrammeled Presence.
This is not to say that I don’t find Dzogchen teachings on Awareness ‘right on’ and excellent. But for myself, I understand them within the context of Solar Awareness. I always find it amusing when ‘light’ is used metaphorically, while at the same instant it’s the downpouring photons that allow us the ability to read about it in the first place. “The Way of Light” could be the name of our sun/galaxy/universe! I guess it is, when you think “Milky Way.”

Thanks again, J, for inspiration!


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