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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

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October 28, 2006

Dreamless Sleep Bliss Access Via Snoring While Awake

A statement by the South Indian mystic Ramana Maharshi has always remained intensely interesting to me:
“That which is not present in deep dreamless sleep is not real.”
Actually I've based my whole meditation practice on it. So I was delighted to find it quoted in philosopher Ken Wilber's published journals, “One Taste,” which I'm currently reading, along with his following comments:
“That is a shocking statement, because basically there is nothing ' literally nothing' in the deep dreamless state. That was his point. Ultimate reality (or Spirit), Ramana said, cannot be something that pops into conscious- ness and then pops out. It must be something that is constant, permanent or, more technically, something that, being TIMELESS, is FULLY PRESENT at every point in time. Therefore, ultimate reality must also be fully present in deep dreamless sleep, and anything that is NOT present in deep dreamless sleep is
NOT ultimate reality.
“This profoundly disturbed me, because I had had several kensho or satori-like experiences (glimpses of One Taste) but they were all generally confined to the waking state. Moreover, most of the things I cared for existed in the waking state. And yet clearly the waking state is not permanent. It comes and goes every twenty-four hours. And yet, according to the great sages, there is something in us that is ALWAYS CONSCIOUS – that is literally conscious or aware at all times and through all states, waking, dreaming, sleeping, And that ever-present awareness is Spirit in us. That underlying current of constant consciousness (or nondual awareness) is a direct and unbroken ray of pure Spirit itself. It is our connection with the Goddess, our pipeline straight to God.”
Whew! Good old Ken Wilber! He's really quite amazing. When I first read Ramana's words, I thought to myself, “Okay, what happens in deep dreamless sleep that I can copy when awake? Hm, well, there's the 'resonant breath',” thought I. Listening to my dear wife sleep-breathing, I began to copy it while awake. I realized what I was doing was resonating the whole passageway from the septum to the lungs, so I began to practice a light snore. This snore also resonated the trachea, which lies just behind where the upper vena cava and aorta enter the heart. Vibrations from the trachea (a stiff tube) easily pass through to the bloodstream, and this is why after ten or so good – well, let's call them smiling snores, or purrs, or 'inhaled OMs –“ my fingers and toes begin to tingle, and I melt right into my heart center. Bye-bye, head trips! Yee Haw!
Try it for at least five minutes! I'm right now doing fifteen!


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