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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

More than you want to know right here! http://www.raysender.com

June 5, 2006

Is Bliss A Side Track Or A Positive Pointer?

From a dialogue online with a friend:

Friend: It sounds as though we have different purposes in our "goals" of practice. I'm not looking for some natural cosmic bliss to maintain.

Ramon: Our purposes differ? I think not. Our methods, yes, but if you are not in 'some natural cosmic bliss state,' at least as a byproduct of your meditation practice, then, excuse me, but I don't think you're where the Buddha intended. Of course we can discuss all the various bliss-joy-equanimity states as they refine themselves onto subtler and subtler levels, but if your practice is not making you feel very very good, then why meditate?

Friend: I'm trying to learn how to better serve others in helping them to re-discover their inherent spiritual nature. It's because of not knowing this, that all sentient beings suffer.

Ramon: I believe this urge to serve others arises naturally at a certain level of the bodhisattva's evolution -- and one way I try is by developing very simple methods that I personally have found dissolve all lateral tensions in my body (armorings) that block the innate flow of THAT (call it 'chi,' 'prana,' 'flow' etc). Once these acquired blockages dissolve, I find that this being can float downstream in an ever-thrilling NOW that I think can be compared to what you describe -- sort of Big Mama's backdoor into 'awareness of awareness,' because when the NOW becomes that thrilling, there's no room left for thoughts. You're seated in your heart and out of
your head.

Friend: To pursue "blissful states" is just another self-centered hedonistic craving.

Ramon: I hope your smile is attached to that oh-so-puritanical admonition! Tch-tch! Putting down 'blissful states' as 'self-centered hedonism' could evoke a discussion of jhana absorptions and how the Buddha's teachings encourage bliss. I know Zen takes a 'makyo' -- Devil's Cave -- attitude towards bliss experiences and yes, I do disagree with what I view as traditional Zen's overly puritanical approach towards bliss-joy-rapture, reflected in the severe and frowning faces of the Buddha as portrayed in Japan (I prefer the Cambodian smiling buddhas).

What if a 'permanently blissful state' can be achieved simply, and which centers our awareness in a heart outflowing with waves of delight? Is this somehow bad-bad-bad? In this state, I cannot help but send 'peace and happiness' to all beings everywhere because THEY ALL ARE ME! It occurs naturally and effortlessly. Once thoroughly soaked in this energetic flow (via Thwizzling, in this example), the results linger for at least a half-hour, and I find that just a natural in-breath sends thrills of energy coursing down my spine. At the same time, the facial nerves' sensitivity seems to increase over time, and a kind of reverse-tolerance sets in.

And look! No herbal or other additives necessary! Not even piña coladas or margaritas! "Nothing for me, waiter! I'll just take three swizzle sticks, thanks!"

A desert island with one chopstick, three rubber bands, a polyethylene pipette and three foil-feather swizzle sticks is all I need. Okay, even without the hardware I think I could stay heart-centered by just resonating my trachea (Om-ing on the inhale), which is some sort of version of the Vajra mantram, I think.

This may well be a 'different strokes for different folks' situation, which is just fine. We've had our differences before, friend, but I very much respect your approach, and understand totally the basic teaching of 'Awareness of Awareness" as the 'jewel in the lotus' -- thank you for promoting it so faithfully. However I also understand that various levels of capacity exist in humans, and many folks will not "get" 'awareness of awareness,' much less sit themselves down to meditate for the amount of time necessary to trigger the experience. If a much simpler method exists to saturate people into their innate buddhahood without years spent staring at their nose, I'd like to find it and pass it on to as many folks as I can!

Time's a-wastin', bro'! We need easy solutions as fast as possible! And come on, now, Buddhism's had a 2500-year run and the world is probably no better off today than it was then. I would have hoped for SOME improvement by now, especially if, as you say, it is the service of others that triggers bliss (although I tend to prefer it happening the other way 'round as a way to avoid the Missionary Position Syndrome (do-gooding).)

I dropped a Thwizzler into the hands of three homeless people earlier this afternoon, and it'll be fun to see them again and get some feedback. I now have about 30 circulating, so I'm eager to see how things develop! I hope this is not just something 'unique' to my experience, and also can work for others, because it's so EASY!

Again, I offer free brand-new Twizzlers to anyone in the continental USA and Canada. Just e-mail me your address.

Beams and Blessings,from self-centerdly and hedonistically,
Your Friend


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