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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

More than you want to know right here! http://www.raysender.com

July 29, 2005

Easy Access to Nirvana - Going All The Way This Time!

This morning I managed to start my waking-up nursing exercise earlier than usual. That is, I began sucking on my soft palette and uvula while still half-asleep -- the 'sleep-nursing' that babies do. About twenty of these 'pulls' and I dissolved into the sleep-bliss state but still remained conscious. Oh-my-gosh, what ecstasy! I went on to do about two hundred more, ignoring the signals that I had reached my 'bliss tolerance ceiling' (more about that another time) and by then my whole body was in an indescribable state of flowing energies. I am not kidding you! And I am not exaggerating.
One definition of stupidity must be to keep searching for something you already have in your hand. That is exactly what I've been doing. I've been holding onto this priceless gem of an exercise, 'polishing' it a little every morning (maybe up to about 100 'pulls' at most), but then dropping it when I hit my 'bliss tolerance level' and starting my normal morning routine. I must be truly crazy. Here I am, sitting on at least this one exercise that easily achieves a bliss state so intense that I have to STOP before I melt into a puddle, and do I concentrate on it? No, I start wondering what to have for breakfast, where the car is parked, etc. Insanity is to keep looking for ways to enlightenment when I already have discovered at least two that trigger my definition of Nirvana - that incredible bliss we experience every night while asleep but we are not conscious to enjoy.
Anyway, I'm going to toot my horn again (I already have written about this several times on my website). Perhaps I can convince at least a few folks to try this and let me know if it works for them too. If not, then I'm just one very lucky guy that God has taken under Her soft and downy wing. (By the way,if you are suffering from any sort of heart condition, please check with your physician before trying this. It really is a very potent exercise.)
When your heart chakra beams lusciously in all directions from this exercise, whatever the head decides to do is not at all bothersome! My goal is to keep the nursing-on-the-palette going all day today and see where I am by the end of the day! I need to put some sort of reminder on myself -- maybe a rubber band around my thumb? I'll report back tomorrow. No more dropping back down into everyday humdrum-hood. I'm going for the gold this time!


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