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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

More than you want to know right here! http://www.raysender.com

July 31, 2005

Further Along on the Nursing Exercise

I've begun to get some e-mails from folks trying the nursing exercise and the pituitary massage. One person claimed that his cheeks and neck area became sore. I explained that he was doing the nursing much too forcefully, and to back off and copy the ways babies suckle at the breast.

Another claims to get cramps from the sucking action. I have occasionally experienced a cramp under my chin, but not from this particular nursing exercise. Once again, gentle and easy does it. That especially applies to the pituitary massage. I find that five relatively mild 'tugs' -- inhales with the nostrils clamped as described below -- are quite enough to put my head in a pleasant state. Easy, guys, easy!

Someone else wanted to know how to do the French "R" from the purring exercise. It's basically a gargling sound in the back of the throat. I have found that the lower into the chest I can go with the purr, the more rewarding it is in terms of energy flow.

This morning I was able once again to move from deep sleep to sucking on my palette/uvula directly. I found myself also drawing up on my anal sphincter in the traditional hatha yoga mulabandha squeeze (same as the Kegel exercise now popular for strengthening the pelvic muscles). I also was placing all the action on the inhale, so it felt like I was beginning the inhale from my rear end. This also triggered pulling in on the diaphragm and raising the chest. All in all, a kind of full-body 'inhale/nurse.' Of course on the exhale I relaxed everything -- with a long sigh. Ten of these proved quite rewarding, and then I went back to my usual nursing exercise.


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