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August 24, 2005

The Universe as a Hologram

Want to expand your understanding of the universe?
(Or perhaps you already have! Michael Talbot's classic "Holographic
Universe" was a great introduction. He published this
essay in The VILLAGE VOICE, September 22, 1987, pp. 31-34.)

The Universe as Hologram
Does Objective Reality Exist, or is the Universe a Phantasm?
by Michael Talbot

In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. You did not hear about it on the evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of reading scientific journals you probably have never even heard Aspect's name, though there are some who believe his discovery may change the face of science.

Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn't matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart.

Read the rest at


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