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July 9, 2007

Centipede's Dilemma - Which Leg To Wiggle First?

J-L wrote on the DozgchenPractices Yahoo list:
Again in this perspective, Dzogchen is truly a unique Path
but as you see, the real cursus or curriculum encompasses
the practices of Sutras and Tantras. That´s how Tibetans
are trained and that´s why they reach some signs, realiza-
tions and accomplishments. And that´s probably because
they don´t approach the Path in this way that many
westerners mistake Dzogchen and Dzogchenpas ...
Let’s recap J-L’s full posting:
We start first with good motivation, then reflections on the 4
thoughts leading to actual renunciation of samsaric existence,
then the extraordinary preliminaries leading to purification of
the 3 doors, and only then can Calm Abiding lead to control of
the mind. Once Calm Abiding has been perfected in all its 9
stages [jhanas?], Superior Insight leads to the No-self and the
emptiness experience. Only then will the Generation Stage lead
to siddhis, which can then take us to the Perfection Phase leading
to experiences of Bliss, Clarity and Non-discursiveness (all non-
regressive). Only by achieving all the above-mentioned will the
outer and inner Rushen lead to the distinguishing of mind (sems)
from Mind (nyid). Once the Rushen have been accomplished, then
the Training of the Three Doors can induce the natural ease of the primordial state and lead to stability in Trekcho which, once
stable, can develop into The Four Vision of Thogel. And only
in the ultimate stage of the Four Visions of Thogel can one attain
The Rainbow Body.

Well, all this is truly fascinating, and I am very grateful to
J-L for his input, but it makes Dzogchen’s ultimate stages sound
almost unattainable.

The 1% Solution (only 1% of practitioners will reach the goal)is
NOT a solution, to my way of thinking. So instead of muddling about
with esoteric techniques supposedly only possible in a monastic
setting (or on lengthy retreats), an exercise that can be compared
to Nero’s fiddling while Rome burns, I might suggest that all the
amazing spiritual talent displayed here could perhaps be applied to
discovering the very simple methods that I am convinced Mother Light
created that might allow the vast unwashed hordes busy killing,
raping, plundering and basically creating a hell-world out of the
Garden of Gaia to bliss themselves out of whatever nightmare state
is holding them captive.

Nicht Wahr?


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