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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

More than you want to know right here! http://www.raysender.com

July 9, 2007

At the risk of repeating myself...

jax wrote on the Yahoo DozgchenPractices list::
Now I recommend you have faith in what I have presented
and the Way as taught in the Sudden School of Chan and
demonstrate devotion to the task of cutting-off all concepts
and beliefs of every kind in just this very moment! If not
now when? But remember when the time happens for you it
will be in that current moment of now... so why wait, the
future now is identical to this now... get it?
At the risk of repeating what I just wrote in another reply, blinks
(already a self-arising phenomenon) cut off all conceptualizing for
a brief instant.Why not blink voluntarily twenty times in a row and
see what happens?

Of all the various usages I’ve been investigating (resonating the
trachea as if in deep sleep
, smiling, revitalizing the facial nerves
with the Thwizzler, subvocally ‘Ah-ing’ on both inhale and exhale,
unblinking eye fixation, flaring the nostrils on the inhale)
blinking seems the most useful because it can be done anywhere with-
out drawing undue attention (unless face-to-face with the boss).
For the latter moments, it may be wise to move southward and just concentrate on the undulation of the anal sphincter while breathing.
which expands out on the inhale and draws in and up on the exhale.
I learned this from observing my dog’s rear end when he barks.
Teachers come in all shapes and sizes!

(Blinking on my heartbeat as I write this – ahhhhh!)

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