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Name: Ramón Sender Barayón
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

More than you want to know right here! http://www.raysender.com

December 24, 2007

Happy Happies!

Here's a belated posting of something I emailed some friends:

Happy Winter Solstice, everyone! The origin of present-giving this time of
year (in my imaginings) goes as follows: “The sun is disappearing! The sun is disappearing! It’s being stolen by an evil magician! Quick! Give presents to everyone in the hopes that one of them is responsible and will change their mind!”

Originally I think a young virgin was thrown into a volcano. The Old
Testament taught us to substitute an animal as a burnt offering. The New Testament taught that, inasmuch as God had sacrificed himself to himself, no more
burnt offerings were necessary. As an animal lover, that’s a relief! Now if we only could get rid of feed lots and devouring flesh via the invention of nanotechnology’s protein replicators.

Actually God is the REAL burnt offering as She continues to burn out of love and
compassion to keep us living creatures here on Gaia growing and de-lighted!

I also imagine that we come first to this planet as humans. If we prove at the very
least harmless to the life form (better yet, nurturing and loving), we then have the
freedom to come back ‘within the Garden’ as anything we want — a humming bird, a dolphin, a redwood tree — over and over! But if are destructive and mean as humans, we have to keep coming back as humans until we awaken. I think someone like Donald Trump, when he departs, will look back at his life and say, “Oh dear, I truly oinked it up at the trough in a very greedy manner! I should return as a starving beggar in Calcutta a few dozen times to balance things up.”

This puts me somewhat at odds with most reincarnation believers, who tend
towards the idea that if we do poorly as humans, we come back as dogs (how insulting
to the ever-loving canine species!). My wonderful American mother Julia said
she wanted to come back as a lapdog in a good family. As someone who more than
fulfilled the role of a caring and compassionate human, I’m sure she received her wish. Woof! Woof! “Hi, Mom!”

The Garden, which we are so busily attempting to destroy, really does exist. I call it ‘The Gaian Life Form’ because I believe it’s a single consciousness shared by all species — except humans, whose self-reflective awareness slows us down a half-second out of the Present Moment that is shared by all others.

Anyway, I’ll take Dave’s good advice, fold up my soapbox (fits nicely in my saddle bag) and canter off into the sunset... “Hi yo, Rocinante! Awayyyy!”

“Just who was that man in the Groucho Marx glasses and mustache?”

Wishing all beings everywhere freedom from suffering in the New Year.

“Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” The Buddha Shakyamuni

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