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Name: Sender-Barayon-Morningstar
Location: San Francisco, California,

More than you want to know right here on my website!

September 6, 2005

Sniggle them Snarfs

The title above, "Sniggle them Snarfs," refers to my alternate persona King of Fools Zero's coronation speech given in Occidental, California, last April (the first proclamation to his clown subjects) that explains how to get rid of SNARFS (Sashaying Nervously About with wRinkled ForeheadS). How? By SNIGGLING them, of course (SNIGGLE being shorthand for

SMILE of course being an acronym for "Simply Meander In Loving Eudaemony." So of course the full message is "Simply meander in loving eudaemony and sumptuously navigate in inner gorgeous, giggling, laughing, euphoria."

Ad what does Eudaemony mean? The usual translation [of eudaimonia from the Greek] is 'genuine happiness,' but 'flourishing' is more accurate according to B. Alan Wallace of the Santa Barbara Institute for Happiness Studies.

Now you might argue that in these terrible times it's pretty effing difficult to 'meander and navigate' in such a state of blissful beatitude, but I think if helping others is going to give anyone a real boost, it's going to have to come from an inner peace place that's deeper than just do-gooding. This 'deeper inner peace place' is freely available to everyone thanks to Big Mama Nature, but has to be re-evoked and remembered because life's downers and agonies have placed layers of 'experiential filters' over that inner light which is what we all are born as -- and still remain within our core self under all the accumulated crud. As babies we all had that wide-eyed look of amazement and absorption of inpouring light. But then we learned to differentiate objects with boundaries, to frown and focus down so we could learn to read and 'become individuals.' I'm not saying this wasn't a necessary evolution, but I do think we should have been reminded to keep that first open-focused perception going, and we basically lost it and fell a half-second behind our open perception at 40 million bits per second into our self-reflective egotudinous awareness, operating at only 50 bits per second. That's quite a slow-down! I guess that was from eating the Apple of Knowledge and realizing -- "Hey! We're not wearing any clothes!" -- and getting sashayed out of the Garden of Eden. Damn all! I guess Eden has a sign reading "Uninhibited Nudists Only!" Sounds like a hippie commune.

Luckily, light comes to the rescue - just plain old everyday photons of the sort that allow you to read these words on your computer screen. That's been my big insight this summer. Light makes de-light. And it doesn't require mainlining sunlight (although that's still my favorite yoga), but just opening them baby blinkers up wide and letting the photons pour in! Recent research has discovered that all our cells communicate with light -- biophotons -- so basically our bodies are just one big light sponge anyway. And what I'm now experiencing is that these tiny photons -- how big are they anyway? (Both 'zero' and 'infinite,' heh-heh, according to Quantum Theory.) I would add 'both conscious and loving,' which of course classifies me as a nutcase. But I do find photons very phriendly when I pay them attention, which they seem to like. Try yoo-hooing a few and you'll see what I mean. Maybe Terence McKenna's DMT 'elves' are related?

For the SMILE, I place a stick or pencil - right now a paintbrush - between my teeth to widen these chops into a fixedly fiendish grin. Then I open my eyes as wide as I can -- I know, I look like something out of a Tibetan martial arts catalog -- and whammo! -- all this light energy comes rushing into my solar plexus. It doesn't hurt to try relaxing inside that facial posture -- blinking is allowed by the way. When I relax, especially behind my eyes, everything starts strobing ten to the second, or close to it. Maybe on the earth's Shuman frequency of 7.5 vps? And the rest of my body feels like it's melting. Promise, I haven't altered my consciousness with anything additives.

I dare you to SNARF while you've got the 'bit between your teeth!' and your eyes full wide in amazement! I don't think it's possible. Once you've learned where the stick or pencil puts your cheeks, you can just go there on your own anytime at all. And that wide-eyed look - well, I'd practice it in private because it might scare some kids, but it sure helps lighten me up, especially when I relax behind it.

Check out Padhasamvhava's glare. Of course, in his case, he went a little extreme doing without his eyelids, which I do not recommend.

September 4, 2005

Some Purring Progress

Last night I managed, while lying down, to reach a deeper inner depth for the purr/ snarl/rattle/flutter/smiling meditation. By 'depth'I mean literally as deep down into the chest as I could manage to resonate, and by smiling manage to keep the same pitch/tone on the inhale as the exhale. Of course the masters of this low-pitched growl are the Tibetan lamas, and I've often wondered, while listening to their inspiring recordings, whether their low pitch has anything to do with their attained experience. I am more and more convinced that it does, because the lower the pitch, the deeper into the body it resonates -- as anyone who has attended loud rock concerts can testify.
Ideally I think one should be able to resonate into the center below the navel, at least for starters.
If the trachea resonates, the aorta vibrates, and the heart as well!
Good vibes all 'round!