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This is a place for sharing items that I think might be of interest to others. My e-mails often involve sending some newly discovered website or an updated project to many different folks, so I thought it might be more efficient to try this approach. Feedback encouraged, and I have turned on the comments permission now that there's a Spam control. Feel free!

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Name: Sender-Barayon-Morningstar
Location: San Francisco, California,

More than you want to know right here on my website!

July 10, 2005

We All Arrive As Bliss Bundles. So?

I am someone who believes deeply in the 'diamond-in-the rough' view of humanity, and at the same time convinced that Mother Nature intended us to feel good about life and about ourselves - and provided ways to achieve this that do not require retiring into the forests and staring at our navels for years on end.
For this reason, I've dedicated my 'golden years' of retirement (I prefer to call it 're-energizement') to rediscovering, hopefully for more than myself, the 'built-in' methods that Mother designed for us to remain 'in the flow' (see the blog posting for 6/21 here titled 'My Two Favorite Easy Ecstatic Exercises).
Currently I am researching materials for an article about how our perception of light gets used in the body for various purposes, including our emotional health. So far it's been mostly information on Seasonal Affective Disorder, although the Sufi Crazy Wisdom teacher Gurdjieff has something to say about it in a somewhat hidden way (Google on 'kundabuffer'). Also a current meditation teacher, Almaas, says the following about Cosmic Consciousness that seems useful in this context:

from "The Pearl Beyond Price," pg 433, Almaas

Cosmic Consciousness has the following characteristics:
* It is a Presence. It is a very soft Presence; gentle, delicate, smooth and flowing. One is like a wisp, like a delicate and soft cloud.
* It is conscious. This Presence is experienced as the very stuff of consciousness.
* It feels like light itself, but more like the substance of light, not as rays of light, but as a flow of light, as an ocean of light. It is "light upon light".
* It is Love. This conscious substance of light is soft, gentle, tender and sweet. It is loving. It is as if one becomes an ocean of Love that is conscious. So one can call it conscious love, or the Loving Light. In traditional literature this is sometimes referred to as Universal Love or Christ Love. It is both Consciousness and Love in the same Presence.
* It is boundless. There is no sense of individual or personal boundaries in this aspect of Being. The conscious and loving Presence is felt to pervade everything, to extend infinitely, as a homogeneous soft medium
* The Cosmic Consciousness is responsible for the appearance of form. This can be seen in a deeper experience and appreciation of this aspect of Being. One realizes that this conscious Presence is not only one's own nature and substance, but that it is the nature and substance of all existence, including the physical universe.

Ramon comments: I suggest that the actual, physical perception of light should also transform into a 'flow' experience if all of our acquired 'filters' dissolve and we become again as open and innocent as we were when we entered this world.
"Okay, wise guy," someone is saying. "Just how do you accomplish that?"
We all experience an edge of this whenever we enjoy a beautiful sunset, or have what is now called 'qualia' - see definition below. As for how to 'accomplish' this, I'm not sure it can be except by learning to relax deeper and deeper into our innate 'beinghood...' But then, I'll share the essay-in-progess when it's finished. Meanwhile, here is the -- to me -- new concept of 'qualia,' a word derived from the Latin word for 'qualities.'
Humans Seek Qualia

Often in Japan, you see groups of women taking a
trip together. What do you suppose they are
expecting from this trip? Some will climb a
mountain, and others will explore a tourist area.
Some will soak in a hot spring, and some will enjoy
the local cuisine. Destinations and activities may
vary, but in the end, all of them are looking for the
same thing.

. . . People seek new, undiscovered qualia. Wanting to
eat a manju (a sweet) particular to an area, for example, is a
manifestation of this human desire. The traveler is
not seeking nourishment or notable healthfulness
from the manju. No, she hopes to experience qualia
heretofore unknown to her.

Qualia have the quality of being unknown until
experienced. The qualia of food, for example,
cannot be understood until eaten, no matter how
much someone tries to describe its delicious flavor.
The fact that qualia cannot be ours unless
experienced makes untried qualia all the more
appealing. We travel, watch movies, and go to the
theater to satisfy our desire for and to consume

This idea, that humans are driven by a desire for
qualia, applies as well to romantic relationships.
This idea also applies to our appetite for culture.
We want to delight in good literature.
We want to enjoy beautiful music.
We want to experience new things in movies.

These desires are particular to humans. The drive
for qualia does not appear to result from biological
necessity and cannot be found in any other animals.
Humans seek qualia.
[end quote]

I would tentatively suggest that humans also seek the ultimate in qualia, that which the Almaas quote above discusses, and that which all newborn
humans are bathed in, the light-to-bliss experience.

Any suggestions and feedback appreciated!