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This is a place for sharing items that I think might be of interest to others. My e-mails often involve sending some newly discovered website or an updated project to many different folks, so I thought it might be more efficient to try this approach. Feedback encouraged, and I have turned on the comments permission now that there's a Spam control. Feel free!

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Name: Sender-Barayon-Morningstar
Location: San Francisco, California,

More than you want to know right here on my website!

November 21, 2006

Quote from The Supreme Source

The Supreme Source
[pp. 174-175, from The Supreme Source, by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu.]

"The true teaching of absolute meaning cannot be comprehended nor shown [through concepts]. It cannot be defined, it cannot become an object of fixation, it cannot be thought: it concerns a nature which transcends thought. [This nature] cannot be meditated on and cannot be some object of thought. It does not know desire and does not conceive the idea of having to accept some fruit [of realization].

"Those who abide in this natural non-discursive state reach enlightenment without embarking on a path; without exercising the mind, these obtain self-arising wisdom; without striving, these spontaneously achieve capacity for spiritual action; without keeping any commitment, these naturally maintain purity.

"[In this state] the senses and their objects manifest as clarity of this fundamental condition, Buddhas and sentient beings are no longer seen as some duality, and everything is perceived as unity in this fundamental condition.

"As fundamental nature knows neither unity nor multiplicity: could the essence, which has never been born and has never manifested, ever become any object of definition?

"All buddhas and sentient beings, the whole universe and forms of life inhabiting this, are this nature, beyond any concept of affirmation or negation.

"This nature is one in the fundamental condition, and that which is taught by these teachers of the three dimensions serves only to lead all beings, in an indirect manner, to this single reality."

November 19, 2006

Once more playing catch-up, this time after a week's trip to NYC for family and friends. I could stack up some adorable photos of grandsons, but will just carry them in my wallet. (smile). I have discovered, however, that the age group most interested in my smile-purr-snarl exercise hovers between 3 and 5 years old. We sing "Old MacDonald Had A Farm," but with heavy emphasis on pig grunts and snorts. And much laughter ensues!
I'm really becoming a Johnny One-Note, because when all the chatter dies down, the only real thing I have to offer is the smile-purr-snarl-tracheal resonance exercise I've been pushing here so frequently. Fifty rounds first thing in the morning places me in my heart solidly for the rest of the day, although I may have to take brief hits later on to avoid drifting back up into my head.
Two upcoming events:
Occasional Sunday meditation evening November 26 at Noe Valley Ministry's sanctuary, 1021 Sanchez Street, San Francisco. $10-15 donation invited.
Various meditation traditions will be investigated including:
David Spero’s absorbs you in Divine Bliss
Bhante Vimalaramsi’s ‘Smiling Vipassana’
Yogani’s Advanced Yoga (www.aypsite.com)
Ken Wilber’s Integral Consciousness
7 PM suggestions for Loving-Kindness / I AM meditation methods.
7:30 open silent meditation
8:00 video of a David Spero 'Enlightenment Gathering'
8:30 Sonic meditation to the sound of ocean waves
Odd Monday Series, November 27 at 7 PM in downstairs Fellowship Hall,
1021 Sanchez Street, San Francisco FREE ADMISSION

An Evening of Selected Short Films from the Spiritual Cinema Series, and
also the documentary "Amada Of The Gardens" about an elderly curandera/peyote gatherer in Texas.