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This is a place for sharing items that I think might be of interest to others. My e-mails often involve sending some newly discovered website or an updated project to many different folks, so I thought it might be more efficient to try this approach. Feedback encouraged, and I have turned on the comments permission now that there's a Spam control. Feel free!

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Name: Sender-Barayon-Morningstar
Location: San Francisco, California,

More than you want to know right here on my website!

June 28, 2005

Snarling All the Way to Nirvana

On a meditation list, N wrote: "My heads rings, my body pulses with energy."

So far, I'm riding on your wingbeat, N. Might we also add...
"waves of bliss move out in concentric rings from my solar plexus."

Any time I want more bliss, I increase my bliss tolerance by:
a SMILE and, while smiling,
a loud SNORE on the inhale through mouth and nose deeply into the chest
a loud GARGLE on the exhale, sounding a French 'r' way in the back of the throat,
pushing out with the diaphragm.

SNARLING all the way to Nirvana! And it's so easy! Anyone can do it!

(after ten resounding SNARLS that also resonate the trachea all the way into the lungs)

Palm chakras transmit energies - slight pressure in left ventricle area.
I move the pressure towards the center by "sky-pointing" - tilting head
back as I remain seated upright. MUCH better!

(ten more resounding SNARLS, but sky-pointing, back arched, shoulders back
Feel it resonating in the trachea and lungs!)

I have to stop... I've reached my bliss tolerance limits - for now!
Once you attain easy access to these energies, the SNARL can become more subtle.
Any time of the day when you need a lift, a few Snarls will do the job better than coffee. Practice the sub-vocal Snarl for busy offices. A death-rattle a day keeps the coroner at bay...