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This is a place for sharing items that I think might be of interest to others. My e-mails often involve sending some newly discovered website or an updated project to many different folks, so I thought it might be more efficient to try this approach. Feedback encouraged, and I have turned on the comments permission now that there's a Spam control. Feel free!

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Name: Sender-Barayon-Morningstar
Location: San Francisco, California,

More than you want to know right here on my website!

November 10, 2005

Staying In The Flow While Awake

Blinking continues to 'swat' thoughts very well.
I've been changing my 'upon awakening' exercise to
200 'draws' of air between my tongue and upper teeth.
That sort of 'tst-tst-tst-'sound. It's less effort than
nursing on the uvula and seems to trigger the same
warm flow of energy from the heart area. I just love
finding the easiest ways possible to stay in that
deep-sleep 'flow' while awake.

Purring eight-to-the-bar!