Putting the mind out to pasture
Someone on a Yahoo list asked, “How do we “cut the root of mind?”
Mind - i.e. self-awareness in humans - lags about a 1/2 second behind pure awareness, according to neuroscience. Also, of the 11 million bits of information per second that our perceptions receive, supposedly only 40 bits per second are presented to our consciousness. I suppose it saves glucose to process as much as possible unconsciously.
So… is the NOW 1/2 second 'wide?' And if so, how do we place ourselves on the frothy edge of the wave? All of Nature surfs there, except for our heads… But what about our hearts?
My heart lives on the front edge of the NOW. If I dismount from the 'high horse' of self-awareness, I can 'unsaddle' the mind and turn it loose in the meadow to graze on its own while I remain mindlessly blissful in the heart, the 'seat' of pure perception? The headless horseman?
How do I remain 'mindlessly blissful' in the heart?
Wellllll, there really is NOTHING to do, is there? Perhaps just a teensy exertion of the will, a 'leaning-forward' in front of the thought stream… like a surfer leaning forward on the surfboard, a letting-go similar to falling asleep, but staying alert and awake…
Okay, I admit it. I cheat. I do the 'three vajra mantra' to resonate the trachea, which resonates the aorta and upper vena cava, which resonates the heart and bloodstream. Total bliss, which in turn creates relaxed one-pointedness.
On the inhale: OMMMMMM (vibrating the septum, soft palate, trachea)
On the hold: (silently) AHHH
On the exhale: HUNGGGG (although I think of it more as a gargle on a French “R”)
It feels just too good to center other than in the heart. And mind is so happy off in the far corner of the pasture, cropping succulent grass all on its own, swishing its tail!
Mind - i.e. self-awareness in humans - lags about a 1/2 second behind pure awareness, according to neuroscience. Also, of the 11 million bits of information per second that our perceptions receive, supposedly only 40 bits per second are presented to our consciousness. I suppose it saves glucose to process as much as possible unconsciously.
So… is the NOW 1/2 second 'wide?' And if so, how do we place ourselves on the frothy edge of the wave? All of Nature surfs there, except for our heads… But what about our hearts?
My heart lives on the front edge of the NOW. If I dismount from the 'high horse' of self-awareness, I can 'unsaddle' the mind and turn it loose in the meadow to graze on its own while I remain mindlessly blissful in the heart, the 'seat' of pure perception? The headless horseman?
How do I remain 'mindlessly blissful' in the heart?
Wellllll, there really is NOTHING to do, is there? Perhaps just a teensy exertion of the will, a 'leaning-forward' in front of the thought stream… like a surfer leaning forward on the surfboard, a letting-go similar to falling asleep, but staying alert and awake…
Okay, I admit it. I cheat. I do the 'three vajra mantra' to resonate the trachea, which resonates the aorta and upper vena cava, which resonates the heart and bloodstream. Total bliss, which in turn creates relaxed one-pointedness.
On the inhale: OMMMMMM (vibrating the septum, soft palate, trachea)
On the hold: (silently) AHHH
On the exhale: HUNGGGG (although I think of it more as a gargle on a French “R”)
It feels just too good to center other than in the heart. And mind is so happy off in the far corner of the pasture, cropping succulent grass all on its own, swishing its tail!